FUE & FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai 

FUE, or Follicular Unit Excision, is an individual removal of groups of hair follicles before their subsequent transplantation into the recipient area of ​​the scalp. This usually involves shaving an area of ​​the scalp and removing individual follicular grafts with a cylindrical punch about 0.8 to 1 mm thick. The procedure is performed manually or with a motorized instrument and leaves fine scars in the form of small dots on the scalp. Due to their small size, they are in most cases imperceptible on hair of any length, but can be seen after a close shave.

For most patients, this method is preferable to FUT stripping because it requires a very small incision for each follicle removal and heals very quickly. This excision must be performed by qualified medical personnel as it is a surgical step  FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai . Overall, FUE certainly reaches fewer hairs per treatment than FUT tape, but should still produce around 5,000 hairs per day

What can patients expect during and after the procedure?

The surgeon makes very small incisions in the recipient area where the hair follicle grafts will be placed.Proper placement of the grafts ensures that the hair looks natural as it grows.

FUE can be performed under local anesthesia, making the procedure almost painless beyond the initial injections, but it generally takes longer than the FUT procedure. After the treatment, new hair will appear after about three to four months and will continue to grow for the next eight to fifteen months.

Disadvantages of FUE include:

Higher risk of donor hair loss unless performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon

grafts are more delicate as they have less protective tissue around the root than

strips transplanted with FUT, who are shaved need a clear picture of the hair follicles.

However, for many patients, the benefits of FUE outweigh the risks

What are the benefits of FUE?

The popularity of the FUE method has gradually increased over the years with the following benefits

No linear scarring making shorter haircuts more comfortable

Patients feel less operated on

One time recovery time shorter in sensation but perhaps more visible visually

Minimal visible scarring - scars are small and scattered across the donor's scalp

The surgeon can precisely control the number and type of grafts, ensuring a more effective graft is require

What is the FUT Streak Technique?

Strip FUT or Strip Follicular Unit transplantation consists in removing a strip of skin full of hair and groups of hair follicles before its subsequent microscopic preparation to separate the groups of hair follicles for transplantation. These grafts are then inserted into the recipient area.

In this method, a strip of hairy skin is usually removed from the scalp, usually from the back and side of the head