Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE 

The primary symptom of alopecia is the loss of more hair than usual, but this can be harder to spot than you might think.

The following symptoms may provide clues:

Partial enlargement. When you part your hair, you may notice a widening of the section, which could be a sign of thinning hair.

hairline. If you notice your hair looking taller than usual, this could also be a sign of thinning hair.

Loose hair. Check the brush or comb after use. Did you pick up more hair than usual? If so, it could be a sign of hair loss.

bald.They can vary in size and grow larger over time.

Clogged sewers. You may find that your sink or shower drains are clogged with hair.

pain or itching. If you have a skin condition that  Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE  causes hair loss, you may also experience pain or itching in your scalp.

What causes hair loss?

There are different types of hair loss, some common and some less common, and each has a different cause.

Depending on the type of hair loss, it can be caused by genetic, internal or external factors. Here is an overview of some of the different types of hair loss:

Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic Alopecia refers to hereditary hair loss such as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness and is also known as "baldness" because it can occur in both males and males Women.

It is also the most common cause of hair loss, affecting up to 50% of people.

Hair loss associated with androgenetic alopecia usually occurs gradually. While some people lose their hair as early as puberty, others may not notice the symptoms until middle age.

Hair loss in women often causes thinning of the entire scalp and can appear as enlargement or thinning around specific parts. It usually occurs after the age of 65, but for some women it can start early in life.

Hair loss in men usually involves gradual hair loss over the temples and thinning at the crown, creating an "M".

Learn more about hereditary hair loss.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles, resulting in small to large bald patches. In some cases, this can lead to complete hair loss.

In addition to losing hair on the scalp, some people with alopecia areata lose hair on their eyebrows, eyelashes, or other parts of their body.

Anagen Alopecia

Anagen Alopecia is associated with rapid hair loss. This is usually due to radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Hair usually grows back after treatment.

Telogen Effluvium

telogen effluvium is a type of sudden hair loss that results from an emotional or physical shock, such as a headache. a traumatic event, a time of extreme stress, or a serious illness.