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Another Brilliant Christmas!

Thanks to the wonderful generosity of residents in our area, we have had yet another successful Christmas.

Our Santa collections raised over £6,000!

Also, thanks to sponsorship of our Commemorative Tree of Light, we have been able to donate over £1,200 to the DougieMac Children's Hospice.

Finally, our partnership with Audley Striders raised £3,000 for CRY at the Festive 5K.

A sincere Thank-You to everyone who donated and/or helped over this busy period. We particularly appreciate the generosity of donations at what is such a difficult time for many people.

60th Charter Night

The Rotary Club of Audley celebrated 60 years since our inauguration and charter in 1963, on Saturday 2nd September 2023.

A most enjoyable occasion and night, with a variety of speakers, including representatives of some of the many charities that we have helped over the years.

We were also delighted to welcome 3 new members.

We also honoured Founder Member Past-President Philip Broadhurst with a second Paul Harris Fellow Sapphire and presented a Paul Harris Fellowship to Past President Ken Jones.

We look forward to the next 60 years! 

Please see a selection of photos, below.

Hand-over 2023 - 2024

On Saturday 1st July 2023, President Helen handed-over the reins to President Geoff.

Thank-you Helen for looking after us all so well and presiding over a great year.

We look forward to a great 2023 - 2024 under the stewardship of Geoff!

Therapies Unite

On 29th March 2023, we were delighted to welcome Gaynor Barrow from Therapies Unite and two physiotherapy students from Keele University. 

James Smith and Munya Muswizu will be traveling out to Mexico, along with Gaynor, to work with Therapies Unite. They will provide vital help to the charity's work in Mexico as well as extending their hands-on physiotherapy experience. 

The Rotary Club are very proud to help finance their trip, along with three other students.

James and Munya can be seen below with President Helen.

Santa Collections 2022

Despite the economic climate, the people in the Parish of Audley proved themselves to be extraordinarily generous once more.

We more or less matched our collections for 2021 by raising over £5,000! This will enable us to carry on with our charity work and to respond quickly as and when needs arise.

Thank-you so much to everyone who contributed. It is very much appreciated.

Festive 5K Run 2022

In conjunction with Audley Striders, we once again held our Festive 5K Run.

Despite conditions that at first looked unsuitable, we were able to go ahead with the run and raised a wonderful £2,600 for the Midlands Air Ambulance Service.

Thank-you to all of the organisers, suppliers and particularly the runners. 

A wonderful, enjoyable day once more!

Commemorative Tree of Light 2022

Another record year for our Commemorative Tree of Light!

We have raised more than ever in 2022 and with additional funds from the Club, we will be able to donate £1,000 to the Donna Louise Trust.

A big 'Thank-You' to everyone who took part.

Presentation to The Macari Foundation

On Wednesday 16th November, we had the pleasure of Lou Macari and Angela Smith from the Macari Foundation joining us at our meeting to talk about their wonderful work.

At the end of the night, we presented them with a cheque to pay for a project to provide an outside area for use by the Macari Centre residents.

Angela and Lou can be seen below with President Helen.

Winter Clothes for the Macari Centre

On Friday 21st October 2022, we delivered over 300 items of winter clothing to the Macari Centre to help stave off the cold for homeless people.

Many thanks to The Swan at Bignall End and Audley Community Library for helping out as collection points and the wonderful people in our community for their generosity in donating clothes.


Hand-over 2022 - 2023

Our presidential hand-over took place on Wednesday 29th June 2022.

President John handed-over the reins to incoming President Helen.

It is Helen's second time as our President and we wish her all the best for 2022 - 2023.

For John, it was his third term as President and we thank him for all his work during his year and for keeping us all in check and on the straight and narrow, in his usual professional way. 

On Wednesday, 22nd June 2022, we were delighted to make presentations of certificates to Linda and Paul from The Swan, Bignall End in recognition of everything that they do for the community. 

As well as a certificate for Linda, we presented a certificate to ’The Duck’ in recognition of all their wonderful patrons who dig deep to support all Linda and Paul’s fantastic fundraising. 

A big ‘thank-you’ to you all from Audley Rotary Club. 

Pictured below, is President John presenting the certificates.

Buddy Bags 2022

On 30th April, we completed another Buddy Bags Brigade. 80 bags bought and packed by the Club for the wonderful  Buddy Bags Foundation . Thank-you to everyone who helped to raise the money and do the packing. A special mention to Audley Striders who helped raise money with the Festive Fun Run, as well as helping with the packing.

Santa Collections 2021

Having decided not to hold our Christmas Santa runs in 2020, due to COVID, we ventured out once more in 2022, unsure of what to expect. We needn't have worried! 

Yet again, the people in the Parish of Audley proved themselves to be extraordinarily generous.

It proved to be our most successful year to-date, raising £5,500! This will enable us to carry on with our charity work and to respond quickly as and when needs arise. We were also lucky to have approximately 1,000 children come and talk to Santa.

Thank-you so much to everyone who contributed. It is very much appreciated.

Commemorative Tree of Light 2021

Another record year for our Commemorative Tree of Light!

We have raised more than ever in 2021 and with additional funds from the Club, we will be able to donate £1,000 to the Donna Louise Trust. 

A big 'Thank-You' to everyone who took part. 

President John (far right) and Past-President Derek can be seen, below, presenting the cheque to The Donna Louise Trust 

Festive 5K

On Sunday 19th December 2021, we held our second Festive 5K Run. The event was organised jointly with the Rotary Club and Audley Striders. A great time was had by everyone and money raised will be used to help the excellent

We even had a visit from Santa!

On Sunday 28th November 2021, the Rotary Club sponsored a number of visually impaired children to take part in the Foxfield Railway Santa Special. We also went along for the ride and a great time was had by all.

The Rotary Club of Audley Support Read Easy North Staffs

The Rotary Club has recently donated money to Read Easy North Staffs to assist them with their charity work.

Read Easy North Staffs provide free one-to-one reading coaching to adults with reading difficulties. It is estimated that 80,000 adults in North Staffordshire have reading difficulties.

Pictured below are Community Services Chairman Robert Edwards and President Elect Helen Chatfield with some of the books that we purchased for Read Easy North Staffs. We purchased a complete set of books to provide all of the coaching required for one reader.

Thanking the Club, Read Easy North Staffs Team Leader Angela Smith said "This will provide the material necessary to enable a person to read".

If you know of any adult that could benefit from this service, please contact Nikki on 07391962565 or send an email to

Award of Paul Harris Fellowship to Past-President Brian Dodd

On Sunday 29th August 2021, the Rotary Club was delighted to present a Paul Harris Fellowship to Past-President Brian Dodd, in recognition of his long-service with the Club and all the marvellous work he has done for us and others. 

Brian has been a member of the Club since 1997 and has worked tirelessly to help the club and our local community.

Sadly - for us - Brian and his wife Annette are moving out of the area to pastures new. He will be very much missed by the Club and the community.

We wish Brian and Annette all the very best for the future.

Brian is pictured above receiving his award from President John Brunt.

Rotary Club of Audley Recognise Special Achievements over the Lockdown 

The Rotary Club of Audley made presentations of Community Certificates of Achievement to four groups and three individuals who we believed had gone beyond the call of duty during these past 16 months.

Receiving their certificates are Dr Emma Sutton in recognition of her personal contribution, but also the contribution of her medical and administrative teams. Since the beginning of the vaccination programme they have administered over 23,000 vaccinations.

Ernie Green received the certificate on behalf of all the volunteers who have stood in wind, rain and sunshine to ensure that the operation on vaccination has run smoothly. It is testament to their hard work that the whole programme has run so smoothly.

Mandy and Paul received a certificate on behalf of the Audley Helpline. Set up initially by St James Church, the list of volunteers included many who did not attend St James. Mainly collecting and delivering prescriptions, and picking up shopping and delivering, this has been a lifeline to the elderly and those who have had to isolate. Numbers are not exact, but well over 600 people have benefitted from this service.

Nicola and her pharmacy staff have borne a huge brunt of this pandemic. In those early days seeing the queues stretch over 100 yards reaching Hall Street on occasions must have been daunting. However, they still showed kindness and a smiling face despite not receiving the respect they were due. No numbers are available for the people they have helped but must run into many thousands. 

Alex Pullen received his award for the help he has given to residents of Wood Lane. Despite a physical disability he has shopped for the housebound and on many occasions that has meant walking from Wood Lane to Audley, shopping and then walking back.

We presented Linda Norton with her certificate for her effort in providing NHS staff with equipment. Whilst working full time Linda still found time to use her special talent as a seamstress to make over 1000 scrub bags for the nurses. Again, a selfless act which meant so much to the people who benefitted.

Dan Heath our local Postmaster and Newsagent, was recognised for the extra mile he has been going all through this pandemic. Personally delivering goods to those who were isolating, and when the snow meant the car was not available, he delivered on foot. He allowed personal enterprise to use his shop, and when hand made masks were available and some people struggled to afford them, he personally stood the cost.

Congratulations to all the recipients you have demonstrated in abundance what Rotary strives to be and what it takes pleasure in acknowledging.

The Alice Charity

The Rotary Club have been supporting the Alice Charity and in particular The People's Pantry throughout the pandemic.

We are therefore delighted and proud to have received a certificate of thanks.

Madeley High Presentation

The Rotary Club has presented a cheque to Madeley High School to help them purchase a 3D Printer.

Assistant Principle, Lee Royall said: 'thank you very much for your kind donation - the 3D printer will make a positive difference to all the pupils in KS3 and the GCSE pupils who will use it'.

Youth Activities Chair Roan Hatfield can be seen, below, presenting the cheque to Lee.

Due to the pandemic, like many organisations, the Rotary Club has been severely restricted in our work. 

We have concentrated our efforts on helping the local community, with monthly donations to the Alice Charity and by providing visors to our local care homes.

Christmas is always a busy time of the year and our annual Santa sleigh tour of the villages has become a much loved event for both the community and our members. It is also our major fundraiser. This year, however, we reluctantly decided not to undertake the tour. We felt this was the safest approach for both our members and the community. However, we were able to produce personalised Santa videos for children in our community. This was very well received and we were able to reach out to 176 children and raise £492 for The Alice Charity and £160 for the NSPCC. Thank-you so much for everyone who donated.

In between lockdowns, we were also able to fund and pack bags for the wonderful Buddy Bags. You can find out more on our Community & Vocational page.

A video of our Buddy Bags brigade is available on YouTube:

Although these are difficult times and we have been restricted in our work, we have continued to have weekly meetings - via videoconference - and it has allowed us to host a huge variety of speakers that we may otherwise of missed out on.

The Rotary Club of Audley is very much alive!

The Creation Station specialise in providing inspirational arts and crafts classes, parties and events for children and adults of all ages. They are looking for people to get involved in an exciting new event:

The Creation Station brings FREE intergenerational ‘Grand Activities’ fun as part of an official GUINNESS WORLS RECORDS attempt. 

The Creation Station are teaming up with organisations and groups across the UK to provide positive and fun creative intergenerational activities.   

Grand Activities is an online intergenerational class provided  to enable Children and Senior Citizens to make “Grandfriends”. We know that lockdown has been so hard on our senior citizens and on families who have been separated. We’ve seen so many benefits from our intergenerational activities in the past and so we would love to bring some shared smiles and fun to our local communities with our 'Grand Activities' online sessions. Our free launch workshops aim to help all ages to connect through simple, hands-on activities and enjoy some fun together.

The art and crafts sessions will involve joining an online hosted class and creating a collaged portrait. Artwork will be uploaded to as part of our official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS attempt to create the largest online gallery of collaged portraits. The items used in the workshops will include recycling everyday items from around the home and adding just a few sparks of imagination! I can also arrange to deliver a craft kit with all the materials required for the session if you'd prefer, for a small additional cost.

On the 24th February and 28th of February senior citizens and children can join in to one of my free online ‘Grand Activities’ fun sessions. Here are the booking links;

Wednesday 24th February 14.00-15.00;

Free Grand Activities - Wednesday@14:00 - Newcastle Under Lyme and South Cheshire (

Sunday 28th February 10.30-11.30;

Grand Activities - Sunday@10:30 - Newcastle Under Lyme and South Cheshire (

Grand Activities - Sunday@10:30 - Newcastle Under Lyme and South Cheshire

Attendees will receive online joining details along with a suggested list of items to gather before the event.