Community & Vocational

Santa Collections 2022

Despite the economic climate, the people in the Parish of Audley proved themselves to be extraordinarily generous once more.

We more or less matched our collections for 2021 by raising over £5,000! This will enable us to carry on with our charity work and to respond quickly as and when needs arise.

Thank-you so much to everyone who contributed. It is very much appreciated.

Commemorative Tree of Light 2021

Another record year for our Commemorative Tree of Light!

We have raised more than ever in 2022 and with additional funds from the Club, we will be able to donate £1,000 to the Donna Louise Trust.

A big 'Thank-You' to everyone who took part.

Festive 5K Run 2022

In conjunction with Audley Striders, we once again held our Festive 5K Run.

Despite conditions that at first looked unsuitable, we were able to go ahead with the run and raised a wonderful £2,600 for the Midlands Air Ambulance Service.

Thank-you to all of the organisers, suppliers and particularly the runners. 

A wonderful, enjoyable day once more!

Midlands Air Ambulance Service

On Wednesday 23rd November, Hannah from the Midlands Air Ambulance Service gave an excellent talk about the wonderful work they do.

In conjunction with Audley Striders, we will be rasing money for them at our Festive 5K run on 18th December.

Hannah is pictured below with President Helen, on the right.

Winter Clothes for the Macari Centre

On Friday 21st October 2022, we delivered over 300 items of winter clothing to the Macari Centre to help stave off the cold for homeless people.

Many thanks to The Swan at Bignall End and Audley Community Library for helping out as collection points and the wonderful people in our community for their generosity in donating clothes.

Santa Collections 2021

Having decided not to hold our Christmas Santa runs in 2020, due to COVID, we ventured out once more in 2022, unsure of what to expect. We needn't have worried! 

Yet again, the people in the Parish of Audley proved themselves to be extraordinarily generous.

It proved to be our most successful year to-date, raising £5,500! This will enable us to carry on with our charity work and to respond quickly as and when needs arise. We were also lucky to have approximately 1,000 children come and talk to Santa.

Thank-you so much to everyone who contributed. It is very much appreciated.

Commemorative Tree of Light 2021

Another record year for our Commemorative Tree of Light!

We have raised more than ever in 2021 and with additional funds from the Club, we will be able to donate £1,000 to the Donna Louise Trust. 

A big 'Thank-You' to everyone who took part. 

Festive 5K

On Sunday 19th December 2021, we held our second Festive 5K Run. The event was organised jointly with the Rotary Club and Audley Striders. A great time was had by everyone and money raised will be used to help the excellent

We even had a visit from Santa!

On Sunday 28th November 2021, the Rotary Club sponsored a number of visually impaired children to take part in the Foxfield Railway Santa Special. We also went along for the ride and a great time was had by all.

The Club has been making regular donations to the Alice Charity throughout the last 12 months. The money is used to help the People's Pantry provide food for those in need.

It's a wonderful charity and the Club is proud to support them.

We had planned to run a 'Buddy Bags Brigade' in Spring 2020, having purchased all of the bags and contents for 180 children. However, the first lockdown meant postponing the event. Fortunately, we were finally able to go ahead on 25th September with the kind help of Audley & District Community Centre. 

We filmed the event and uploaded it to YouTube. 

Take a look: Buddy Bags Brigade

The Buddy Bags Foundation is a marvellous charity. Visit their website to find out more about their valuable work.

In 2019, we started working with our local running club - Audley Striders. Together we held a Santa 5K Run and raised money for Mary's Meals, another wonderful charity. Here is a link to a video on YouTube:

The plan was to repeat the event in 2020, but Covid-19 put a stop to that. However, Audley Striders held a Christmas virtual run which raised £600 for the Alice Charity and we were happy to provide the medals.