How to Join

Roots-of-Life is very easy to join! You only need to have a Discord account.

You can have an infinite number of characters. New members start with three empty colony slots, and three empty rare trait slots, for free. You can buy more with our group currency, sprouts.

First, read our rules in their entirety before you start the creation of your character(s) and/or colony!

Next, you can head to either the Character or Colony Guides, to learn how to create characters and colonies. Many new members start out by making a character for another person's colony, but you can also jump right in with your own colony if you'd like!

When you're finished, submit your application(s) as a ticket in the Discord server.
New characters are submitted in the Character category; new colonies are submitted in the Colony category.

Once your character is accepted, that's it; you're in! Welcome to Roots-of-Life!