
This page lists every colony in Roots-of-Life’s history! Colony status, colony creators, number of residents, and founding dates are provided here. You can access the colonies' information forms by clicking on their names.

Current Colonies

🍀Clover Colony🍀
@melontine created 10/1/2020
Leader Raspberry

The colony of hope and new beginnings.
A territory of open fields and meadows. Clovers shroud their territory's hills, thus the colony's name. The Clover Colony is a diverse group, containing cats of varied pasts, many types of prey, and different skill sets.

🌊Lake Colony🌊
@sn0wspark created 10/19/2020
Leader Astrid

The colony of acceptance.
A territory surrounding a mid-sized lake. Outside of the center of their territory are marshes, caves, and winding fields. The Lake Colony prides itself on its diversity and the colony is notably social. Lake Colony cats are skilled swimmers.

🌙Cavern Colony🌙
@sn0wspark created 3/29/2021
Chief Lupa
Prophet Rune

A colony of the darkness.
An underground territory of connected, twisting tunnels. These cats are well-adjusted to the darkness of their cave and rarely emerge from it. Cavern Colony cats match their surroundings with dark pelts, and tend to have oriental features.

🥀Hidden Colony🥀
@peeperonipip created 4/19/2021
Sage Alouette

A concealed colony.
A mountainous territory with many crooks and crevices that are used for hiding. Hidden Colony cats are able to navigate their territory skillfully due to their proficiency with climbing and running. The colony is a quiet place.

🏝️Beach Colony🏝️
@hawkthespork created 9/11/2021
Chief Reef

The colony of peace.
A territory residing along a sandy coast. Beach Colony cats tend to stay in the coves, from where many of the landmarks connect. The Beach Colony frequently experiences storms and sea fogs.

🦋Moth Colony🦋
@hawkthespork created 3/1/2022
Monarch Dalea

The colony of growth.
A dense deciduous forest with a river running throughout it. Moth Colony cats are protective of their territory but open to those in need. Moth Colony cats prefer night hunting and are stealthy hunters. Moths and butterflies are sacred here.

🗻Ridge Colony🗻
@theracingeevee created 3/4/2022
Marshal Boulder

The colony of versatility.
A mountainous territory with lush valleys and rocky highlands. Ridge Colony cats are adept climbers and tend to be large and bulky in build. Ridge Colony cats are raised to be strong and honorable through their many traditions.

🌻Meadow Colony🌻
@eclecticsky created 7/9/2022
Guide Honeysuckle

The colony of meadows.
A territory with spanning fields of flowers and tall grasses. Rises and mountains surround their main meadow, many of which are special places to the Meadow Colony cats. Meadow Colony cats tend to be plump with red and white pelts. 

🌺Flower Colony🌺
@dudl8297 created 10/19/2022
Oriental Forget-Me-Not

The colony of flowers and beauty.
A colony of fields scattered with trees and flowers. Perhaps attributed to the lushness of the territory, the Flower Colony has many streams running through and from it. Cats here are known to incorporate plant life into their beliefs.

🌿Ivy Colony🌿
@myandaisy created 10/20/2022
Commander Ivy

The colony of ivy.
A flat territory full of towering trees and overgrowth. Their hollow centers around an Ancient Tree, its bark covered in ivy. A winding river runs through their territory, connecting to a swamp. Ivy Colony cats are notoriously stealthy.

🐺Wolf Colony🐺
@pumpkinspice.4693 created 11/1/2022
Leader Caracal

A colony of the wolves.
A sloping, densely forested territory. The Wolf Colony migrates from their lake to the woods during wintertime. Wolf Colony cats believe that everyone has a purpose and see wolves as the wisest creature of all. Good endurance is desired.

☁️Sky Colony☁️
@sn0wspark created 2/13/2023
Leader Orchid

The colony of potential.
A territory based in a lush, open swamp. With their territory being dominated by water, being able to swim and climb are essential skills in Sky Colony cats. The Sky Colony encourages the pursuit of goals and believes in second chances.

🦎Canyon Colony🦎
@pumpkinspice.4693 created 3/15/2023
Sheriff Diamondback

The colony of justice.
A colony based in a large, dangerous canyon. The cats here are hardy, having adapted to the rough territory, heat, and inhabiting dangerous predators. Canyon Colony cats follow a strict law that punishes "Injustices."

🦚Colibri Colony🦚
@jaykobell created 4/30/2023
Phoenix Sunlight

The colony of freedom.
A colony named after the hummingbirds that led them to their land. Their territory is set in a lush gorge, the most striking sight being a large tree that attracts hummingbirds during its bloom. The Colibri Colony values helping others.

🕊️Cloud Colony🕊️
@doublemnt created 5/10/2023
Leaders Smoke, Geode

A colony of the clouds.
An elevated, mountainous territory where the clouds feel closest. The Cloud Colony gets a lot of snowfall, thus many cats here have thick, dull coats, and long claws for climbing. Cloud Colony cats are peaceful and practice meditation.

🪵Builder Colony🪵
@mt26 created 5/26/2023
Leader Sun

The colony of ideas.
A territory with gently sloping hills and scarce trees. Within it is a dense forest, mountains, and a river that passes through. Builder Colony cats are known for their innovation, creating multitudes of structures for shelter.

💐Flytrap Colony💐
@pumpkinspice.4693 created 7/21/2023
Leadership Foxglove

The colony taken over.
A large, overgrown forest. Through the long grass and trees are winding trails that have been used for generations. The Flytrap Colony is a very hostile Colony with very ambitious goals, believing they will take over the Colonies.

🪶Flight Colony🪶
@novadrawsthings created 9/18/2023
Raptor Kestrel

The colony of the winds.
A large, mountainous forest teeming with wildlife and paired with a river and waterfall, the territory is especially filled with birds, which are believed by the Flight Colony to be the souls of fallen cats.

🏭Lignite Colony🏭
@mt26 created 10/28/2023
Supreme Leader Renaissance Man

The colony of unyielding resolution.
A rough territory situated in an abandoned industrial wasteland. Within is the ruins of a coal power plant. Lignite Colony cats are fierce, regimented, and hostile towards outsiders.

🌈Dawn Colony🌈
@hawkthespork created 11/8/2023
Sunseeker Goshawk

The colony of perseverance.
A forest that was burnt down a while ago now beginning to revive. Burnt trees and dry shrubs make up the flora of the territory, though new flora is starting to grow. This colony is full of storytellers, as well as moreso superstitious cats.

🐏Moor Colony🐏
@sorahime created 11/12/2023
Shepherd Skunkie

The colony of free roaming.
A sprawling open moor. Within resides a herd of sheep, and the cats that follow and protect them. Moor Colony cats are a proud sort, often reckless and competitive with each other.

🎵Muse Colony🎵
@jynx5078 created 11/24/2023
Overseer Vision

The colony of creativity.
An evergreen forest, with beautiful water sources. Cats here pride themselves on their creativity, and are always open to tell a story or two. Muse Colony cats worship a deity of the arts, known as the Muse.

🍁Deciduous Colony🍁
@mt26 created 1/28/2024
Council Members Diplomat, Percy, Frigid

The colony of diplomacy.
A deciduous forest, where the changing colors of the trees herald each new season. Rivers and the roads of abandoned human settlements divide up the territory. Deciduous Colony cats are cognizant of their past, and uphold values of diplomacy and peace with great vigor.

Shimmer Colony
@kestrel_mint created 2/6/2024
Starshine Ginger

The colony of light.
A rocky and hilly terrain, with open views of the stars. Residents have a great appreciation for the sun, believing in its healing properties. Cats here are a peaceful sort, friendly and respectful to all. 

🦴Bone Colony🦴
@doublemnt created 2/27/2024
Guide of the Forgotten Harbor

The colony of independence.
An overgrown and weathered-down human cemetery abandoned long ago. They foster and emphasize personal paths, creating safety and trust to heal from old wounds. The colony's beliefs surround death, respecting it and seeing it as a gift.

🍓Berry Colony🍓
@sorahime created 5/14/2024
Wreath Pineberry

The colony of trade.
A cold, mountainous territory with many hollows and cliffs. Cats here are like one big family, strong within and stoic without. This colony specializes in the trade of both goods and information.

Previous Colonies

🎴Moon Colony🎴
@Len created 4/10/2021 fallen 6/30/2021
Last Leader Windform

The colony of admiration.
A territory with a river running throughout it, now claimed by the Moth Colony. The Moon Colony were traditional cats, strict with their rules and admiring of their preceeding group's leader. They were known for their affinity for water.

🕸️Web Colony🕸️
@peeperonipip created 3/1/2021 fallen 10/4/2021
Last Overlord Lune

The colony of unity.
A heavily forested territory. Web Colony cats were protective of their land and prided themselves on their survival skills. Predators were fairly commonplace in the Web Colony.

🔥Fire Colony🔥
@peeperonipip created 7/13/2020 fallen 10/2/2022
Last Monarch Nightshade

The colony of rebirth.
A coniferous territory full of dense overgrowth. Beyond their forest were a sweetly scented meadow, a winding creek, and towering mountain peaks. Fire Colony cats were stealthy with otherwise varied abilities.

☀️Pyre Colony☀️
@jaykobell created 10/31/2022 fallen 4/30/2023
Last Soothsayer Edna

The colony of change.
A gloomy territory where abandoned human structures reside. These remnants were attributed to peaceful times and their Soothsayer's gatherings. Pyre Colony cats were respectful and loyal with many beliefs surrounding the dead.

🌲Coastal Colony🌲
@furbert created 7/16/2022 fallen 8/14/2023
Last Leader St. Helen

The colony of beneficence.
A colony situated by the coast. The Coastal Colony was heavily forested with mountains and drop-offs beneath all the undergrowth. Coastal Colony cats were skilled climbers and tended to have long or thick fur to combat their cold weather.

🏜️Dusk Colony🏜️
@furbert created 10/25/2022 fallen 8/14/2023
Last Lights in the Dark Thunder, Arnica, Goshawk

The colony of horizons.
During the summertime, the Dusk Colony lived aboveground in a diverse high desert. Once winter arrived, the colony migrated to their warmer cave system. Dusk Colony cats appreciated a variety of superstitions and traditions.

💧Creek Colony💧
@kouyne created 2/21/2022 fallen 2/19/2024
Last King Beck
Last Queen Poppy

A colony of the creeks.
A water-centered territory, with its rivers and marshes having been surrounded by fields, mountainscapes, and meadows. Creek Colony cats were skilled swimmers and tended to have thick fur meant for repelling water.

❄️Frost Colony❄️
@snorlaxjax. created 10/6/2020 fallen 5/10/2024
Last Leader Dewberry

A colony of the cold.
A mountainous territory with many striking hollows and cliffs, now claimed by the Berry Colony. Predators were frequently spotted within the territory and cold weather was a constant. Cats here were hardy due to this, boasting heavy sizes and adeptness at fighting and hunting.

⛰️Hill Colony⛰️
@snorlaxjax. created 3/25/2021 fallen 5/10/2024
Last Emperor Wave

The colony of hills.
A territory of sweeping hills and fields. Beneath the hills were long, winding tunnels that were inhabited by the Hill Colony cats. Hill Colony cats had excellent running and swimming abilities. Red fur was a common trait among Hill Colony cats.
