Character Guide

Characters are the main foundation of Roots-of-Life. This page will serve as both an introduction to characters here, and a step-by-step guide on how to create your own.

Character Overview

Characters here follow the rules of realistic cats. They have realistic appearances, realistic ages, and so on. They can interact with humans to some extent, but can't read or thoroughly understand human speech.

Cats are considered kittens from 0-6 months of age. From 6-12 months old, they're considered adolescents. Once a cat is 1 year old, they're considered an adult. Seniors are any cats 10 years and older. Characters here can live until they are 200 months old before they will die of old age.

Characters can belong to any colony, so long as the colony owner approves them. They're also the base of your own colony, if you wish to make one. Or, they can remain as outsiders (either wanderers or house-cats.)

Creating a Character

Members may have an unlimited number of characters.

Before you create a character, first read up on the colonies of Roots-of-Life. You'll have to decide on whether you want to create a character for your own colony, have them join somebody else's, or stay a wanderer or house-cat.

Also make sure you understand the Character Rules! This page will only cover rules specific to creating a character.

Application Base

To get started, make a copy of our character application form and fill it out as you read this guide. 

Our official application art can be accessed below too, or via the "full reference" link on the written application.

Character Design

Character designs are incredibly versatile in Roots-of-Life, despite our whole thing being realistic cat genetics. Many designs will only need small tweaks to pass approvals. If you need some help with revamping an unrealistic design, please ask in our #design-review channel!

If you're brand-new to genetics, we recommend reading "A Crash Course in Genetics" on our RoL Basics page. It'll help some terminology make sense!

Once you know some necessary vocab, we have two options. Our visual design guide is best suited for visual learners and beginners to genetics; our genotypes page is best suited for those who prefer reading text, and more advanced learners!

You can also look to other sources for more information, and use reference photos of real-life cats. We have some good reference sites linked in our #resources channel.

Character Names

Names should be realistic to the cat's background and environment. Because the group's location is set roughly in the Pacific Northwest/southern Canada, wanderers likely wouldn't have a name like Jaguar or Piranha. However, they could have these names if they were passed on by a house-cat (keep in mind they still wouldn't know the meaning). Because many justifications for a character's name can be found, names are practically limitless.

There are only two true rules to character names. Firstly, they shouldn't be degrading, and this includes nicknames. Secondly, names cannot be made in reference to any existing media.


Gender is separate from sex and can change over time.

Pronouns are what you want your character to be referred by (she, he, they, ae, it, etc). Make sure you're using the correct ones while writing.

Sex is male or female. Intersex characters are allowed with a research note.

Sexuality shouldn't be left blank; it must at least be "questioning" or "unsure."

Age should be an exact number of months. Updating it over time isn't required. Characters younger than 6 months old must be bred for in-game.

Your character's colony should be canon or planned. Alternatively, they can be a wanderer or a house-cat. All colonies and their information are listed on the Colonies page.

Your character's rank should be an existing rank in the colony. Special ranks have to be asked for before they're given.


A phenotype is a short description of your cat's appearance. This should be realistic, and accurate to the character's genotype. Our visual Design Guide can help you match your character's appearance to their phenotype.

You can add an additional section for a more detailed description of their appearance if you want.

Scars and accessories can be freely added. Impairments require a research note to include. Mental disorders and illnesses aren't allowed in Roots-of-Life.

A genotype is a string of genes that determine the cat's phenotype. All genes should be typed as they appear on our Genotypes page.

You must list fur length, eumelanin, agouti, and the 3 "basic" tabby genes (mackerel, spotted, and ticked, ex. "McMc spsp tata".) You also need to add any other traits the character shows or carries.
You can leave the genotype blank if you're unsure of what to put; staff will help you with this during the review.

Phenotypes and genotypes can't be changed later on unless an error has occurred. If this is the case, please contact staff so we can approve any changes.


Every character must have both strengths and flaws. Try to strike a fair balance of positive and negative traits, and avoid negative characteristics that are just "evil." Check for any contradictive traits while writing; you want your character's personality to be cohesive.

There are two approaches to writing personalities: listing traits with short descriptions, or writing the personality down paragraph-style. Whatever you're most comfortable with is best!

Personalities can be changed over time. If you're only updating the wording of the personality, there's no need to check with staff, but do contact staff if you're planning on changing the character's personality traits for character development.


Parents should be genetically accurate and feasible as the character's parents. Don't worry too much about getting this right if you aren't familiar with cat genetics, as any mistakes will be ironed out during review. From a staff perspective, it's better to have an idea of what you want the family to look like than to work with blank fields.

Parents need to be listed, unknown names or descriptions aren't allowed.

New characters can't start off with a mate or young kittens right off the bat. Past mates and older children are fine.

Extended family should only be listed if they're heavily relevant to the character's past. Otherwise, please leave them out to prevent over-complicating family trees!

Characters with player-controlled large family trees need to have all relatives up to grandparents, grandchildren, auncles, niblings and first cousins listed. Further extended family is optional, as are any extended NPC family members beyond parents/siblings.


A character's history is what you make of it. Any length is acceptable, as long as there's enough information provided to understand their backstory.

All new characters have to start off as wanderers or house-cats to prevent any conflict with canon. Histories should be accurate to in-game time.

For cats that will be joining a colony, remember to think about how they'll fit into their new colony! You may also consider including any customs that your cat undergoes to join the colony. For example, cats have to participate in The Trials in order to join Canyon Colony.

For characters whose gender identity is different from their sex, when they realized this must be included in the history. If a cat has any scars, how they got them must be included too.

Family members should be mentioned in the history. All NPCs need to have their contact cut from the character. This can be as simple as your character leaving home and setting out into the world alone.

Avoid sensitive topics. You can find more info about this on the main Rules page.

History only needs to be updated when a character turns a year old. Past that point, updates are not required.

Final Steps

You're just about finished with your character! Now all that's left are the finishing touches. Add trivia to your character as you see fit, and fill out the credits. Give everything a final look-over, and set your document's share settings to public.

Finally, send your application to staff by making a Character ticket in our Discord server! Your character will be reviewed, and some notes for changes may be sent back. We'll work with you to help make changes if you need.

After any necessary changes have been made, the character will be sent to the colony's owner for approval (if your character is for somebody else's colony). Once they're given final approval by the colony's owner, your character will be accepted!

Congratulations on your new character! Now you can participate in roleplays, headcanons, events, as well as create your own literature or art for sprouts.

Have fun!

Shorthand List of Rules

For those who want to just keep the list of rules in mind, this section is for you!

All of these rules are in the main guide too, of course, so if you need an explanation of one, scroll back up to the relevant section.

Character Application Rules