
The colonies all started with cats having a strong desire to protect one another. Even if the colonies need to be in constant competition for survival, they are all connected and keep each other safe in times of need.

This page keeps track of the colonies’ histories with arcs and months.
Please note that this page is currently out of date!

Arc 1

Month 1, Summer
The first colony is established, the Fire Colony
A group of outsiders’ homes are destroyed by a flood caused by heavy rain. In need of shelter, the group embarks on a journey to find their new home. They pick up other troubled outsiders on the way, including an entirely different group.

The cats find a sustainable spot in the woods and call themselves the Fire Colony. Some cats appreciate the stay but leave to find a home more suited to themselves. Tinder steps up to be leader of the Fire Colony.

Month 2, Summer
Life is peaceful
Fire Colony cats continue to settle in.

Month 3, Autumn
The leaves turn
The colony cats experience their first Autumn. New life is expected in the Fire Colony with one of the residents expecting kittens. The colony continues to grow.

Month 4, Autumn
Three more colonies are made official
A small colony located west of the Fire Colony gives itself an official name, the Clover Colony. They’re a welcoming bunch who pride themselves on giving second chances. The wanderer Pinecone visited and spread the news about the Clover Colony to the Fire Colony. The Fire Colony leader, Tinder, traveled to meet the Clover Colony’s leader and shortly discovered the two colonies would be on good terms with each other.

Another colony is established, this time south of the Fire Colony. They’re named the Frost Colony and have a unique system, their residents able to go under new roles such as nobles and givers. The Clover Colony and the Fire Colony make it clear that they’ll help their new neighbors whenever needed.

To the west of the Frost Colony and Clover Colony, a new, large group named the Lake Colony makes themselves official. Like the others, they’re rather passive, which keeps up the flow of coexistence.

Month 5, Autumn
The colonies grow
New life is made in the Frost Colony with the giver Bubble giving birth to her kittens. Many arrivals come into the colonies, typically outsiders wishing for a better life. However, one outsider in particular doesn’t seem interested in staying in any of these colonies, a wanderer named Spider. He hops from colony to colony, taking notes on all that’s going on in these strange groups.

Month 6, Winter
Lune’s Group
A group of cats have been spotted by the Clover Colony’s border. They aren’t an active threat, though they’re shrouded in mystery. Spider meets the leader of the group, Lune, and the two discuss plans of merging his future colony with her current group as a way to start it off. Lune agrees to this and the two accumulate more members over time.

The Clover Colony eventually sends a group of their residents on a diplomatic mission to meet Lune’s group. It goes well, however they’d only ran into Lune herself. Lune’s group begins to move northeast along the Clover Colony’s border, traveling toward the space between the Clover Colony and the Fire Colony.

Month 7, Winter
Kitten boom
Many of the colonies come to expect kittens, a litter for each colony. Two of these litters have importance in the sense of carrying the bloodlines of their colonies’ leaders, Coral’s and Tinder’s. Tinder plans on making one of their kittens a successor in the future, believing their bond will help them to smoothly manage the colony.

Winter comes and resources turn scarce.

Month 8, Winter
The colonies are peaceful
Though the colonies struggle with the scarcity of prey, life is going smoothly for them. The colonies gain new members with kittens and joining cats. Meanwhile, Lune’s group also seems to be growing.

Month 9, Spring
New neighbors
Lune’s group finally forms the Web Colony, but her role as a leader is dropped. Instead, Lune becomes a communicator of the colony, acting as the face of the colony while the overlord Spider makes the real decisions. Protective of their territory, the Web Colony issues a warning to the colonies who greet them that they shouldn’t pass beyond their borders. But giving mixed messages, Lune also gives each group her thanks and reassures the colonies that the Web Colony will help their neighbors whenever needed.

The Lake Colony is going strong with a successor chosen, Astrid. Of course, this is great news to the community. Astrid had always been a friendly and welcoming face, perhaps a perfect representative of the Lake Colony.

Spring has rolled around and as customary, change comes with it. Prey slowly returns and two new colonies are established. Firstly, the Hill Colony, north of the Lake Colony, as well as the Cavern Colony east of the Fire Colony and Web Colony. 

Month 10, Spring
Much to come
The amount of prey in the colonies is finally fully restored to its usual numbers. This brought forth some eager predators. Coyotes are spotted by the Web Colony’s border, and Overlord Spider forms a plan to get them out.

The Moon Colony is established just below the Fire Colony and Frost Colony. Shortly after, the Hidden Colony moves in between the Web Colony and Clover Colony.

The Web Colony successfully drives the coyotes out of their territory with Overlord Spider’s plan. The Clover Colony and Cavern Colony are warned of this still lurking threat, however, the Hill Colony is the next one to face it as the coyotes are spotted by their border. Who knows what move their emperor will make in response?

The colonies face their first deaths. It’s rough for both of them, as they haven’t experienced losses like this before. Life goes on, though.

Month 11, Spring
Following their success in driving the coyotes out, the Web Colony expands their territory. This is due to an influx of new residents along with the news of their first expected litter. Lune was the one to recommend this change, and many Web Colony cats begin to question their leadership. After all, how come Spider is considered the Overlord when Lune is the face of the Web Colony?

The leader of the Clover Colony, Olive, steps down, leaving Raspberry next in line for the throne. Though Raspberry’s rival left the Clover Colony and Olive’s absence has left a possible change in direction, the Clover Colony seems generally optimistic. Three cats are named the next potentials; Honey, Stormy, and Trout. They don’t seem as competitive as the last, only hoping to prove themselves as suitable potentials.

Month 12, Summer
A turn for the worse
The Frost Colony starts the month with a new giver; Bubble’s child, Ice. Having such a special role in the Frost Colony must be a great honor to Ice.

The Web Colony would go on to experience the first death in the colony with Mocha. Not only was it unexpected, but it also seemed to have been a violent end for the tom. Found on the Fire Colony’s border with the colony’s scents on him, Lune quickly suspected them as being Mocha’s murderers. Overlord Spider acted fast, planning to make allies with the Clover Colony. Lune carried out the mission and managed to ally the Web Colony not only with the Clover Colony but the Cavern Colony as well.

Coyotes infest the Hill Colony’s borders. In an attempt to gain more controllable land, the Hill Colony expands its territory.

The next move for the Web Colony would be the decision to heavily enforce no contact with the Fire Colony and wanderers. Even Pinecone was banned from the territory in an attempt to prevent anybody from acting as a spy for the Fire Colony. On-sight attacks would be permitted by Overlord Spider against the Fire Colony.

Three Fire Colony cats would be caught by the Fire-Web border and murdered. Many Web Colony residents were split on the event; a few believing it was deserved, but a majority thinking the on-sight attack order was taken too far. Lune announced the Web Colony would stick by the decision made as the Fire Colony shouldn’t have been getting close anyway.

Summer rolled around, though a new season wasn’t such a happy occasion for some of the colonies. Distraught by the murders, the Fire Colony decreased their territory in order to distance themselves from the Web Colony. It was for naught, as the Web Colony still planned to “take the offensive” against the Fire Colony. The Web Colony and Hill Colony would go on to become allies.

The Moon Colony would mark itself as the first fallen colony when all members were ambushed by outsiders and split in a retreat.

Month 13, Summer
Final battle
The Fire Colony allies with the Lake Colony and Frost Colony, hoping their close relations will help protect them if need be. The Fire Colony is further threatened when the Web Colony takes the abandoned border the Fire Colony left behind to share it with the Cavern Colony.

The rapidly escalating situation between the Fire Colony and Web Colony would only worsen as the Fire Colony and Web Colony would have an official battle by the border. Neither side called for their reinforcements and the Fire Colony retreated, leaving the Web Colony victorious. The Web Colony continues to take the Fire Colony’s territory.

Finally, a huge battle would break out between the Fire Colony and Web Colony. Both sides called for their allies; the Fire Colony, Lake Colony, and Frost Colony versus the Web Colony, Cavern Colony, Clover Colony, and Hill Colony. Many cats were wounded in the battle, and a few were killed. The Fire Colony was completely driven out of their territory, making this an unexpected final battle. The Web Colony took the remains of the Fire Colony’s territory while the Fire Colony would take refuge in the Lake Colony. The Clover Colony promptly broke its allyship with the Web Colony afterward.

Wounded and made mute in the battle, Coral could no longer serve as the Lake Colony’s leader. Astrid stepped up as the Lake Colony’s new leader and made Veil her advisor in place of Pike. With such stressful circumstances, it’d seem that Astrid grew hardened, losing much of her naivete. The Fire Colony would also experience changes in its high ranks as Tinder’s daughter Nightshade was named the colony’s successor.

Behind the scenes in the Web Colony, residents began to question the morality of their leadership. These rebels planned a way to end the painful war between the Web Colony and Fire Colony. They agreed that the first change had to be with their Overlord, Spider. They trusted Lune enough to go to her about putting a stop to all the suffering.

Month 14, Summer
Rising Moon
Encouraged by the rebels, Lune would grow confident in gaining control over the Web Colony. She publicly overthrew Overlord Spider and claim his throne. Many cats hoped their new Overlord, Lune, would work to put an end to the war. While she wouldn’t make any decisions with the Fire Colony, she opted out of the conflict between colonies and cut the communicator role out of the Web Colony.

Spider was found by Pinecone and turned himself in to the Lake Colony and Fire Colony as their prisoner. Tinder interrogated him on everything he knew, though kept him in the dark about many things. Spider’s story was seemingly honest, but if it really were true, it painted Lune as the manipulator who might’ve caused the war. His story had many holes in it, likely due to Lune, which wasn’t corrected by the Fire Colony. He’d simply be sent on his way since the Fire Colony nor the Lake Colony wanted to keep him around.

Spider would then travel to the Clover Colony to collect information about what happened in the war. The Clover Colony was friendly but cautious with him. With their level of cooperation, the Clover Colony hid nothing about what has happened in the colonies during Spider’s absence. From here, Spider would have to figure out a way to regain his colony’s trust and stop Lune from causing any more trouble.

While Lune was feeling confident after overthrowing Spider, she’d gradually turn paranoid, worrying that Spider would make a comeback. Fortunately for her, it seemed to her that the Web Colony residents were still wrapped around her paws, and she’d never let them go.

Arc 2