
2024: 'Demarcating Rights in Divided Social Worlds: The Moral Economy of Constitutional Struggles', under review. [Download draft]    


2024: 'Claims of Ownership, Claims of Dignity: Moral Narratives on the Right to Housing in Chile’s Constitutional Referendum', under review. [Download draft]  


2023: 'The making of neoliberal legality: The legal imagination of business elites and the social constitutionalization of “free enterprise” in Latin America', Journal of Law and Society. [Download]  


2023: ‘Mythical infrastructuring’, Nature and Culture 18(3): 257–279. [Download]  


2022: ‘Drawing Constitutional Boundaries: A Digital Historical Analysis of the Writing Process of Pinochet’s 1980 Authoritarian Constitution’, Historical Methods. [Download]  


2020: ‘El problema de la secularización: Cuatro miradas a la fragilidad de los órdenes modernos’, Estudios Públicos 159 [Download]    


2020: ‘The negative dialectics of law: Luhmann and the sociology of juridical concepts’. Social & Legal Studies. [Download]  


2020: ‘A method of mobility: Dialectical critique and the work of concepts’, Critical Horizons 21 (1). [Download]  


2019: ‘¿Qué es un concepto? Theodor W. Adorno y la crítica como método’. Diferencia(s): Revista de Teoría Social Contemporánea, 1 (8): 40-50 [Download]  


2019: ‘Giving society a form: Constituent moments and the force of concepts’, Constellations. [Download]  


2018: ‘Controversies in social-ecological systems’, Ecology & Society 23(4).  [Download]   


2018: ‘La persistencia de la crisis y la política de la verdad: Marx, Foucault y la modestia de la crítica’, Theorein. Revista de Ciencias Sociales 2(1): 83-107. [Download]  


2017: ‘In Defense of Speculative Sociology’, Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 18(1): 125-132. [Download]    

2017: ‘Hacia una sociología de la abstracción: Observaciones acerca de la mediación entre lo conceptual y lo empírico’, Cinta de Moebio 58: 26-38. [Download]   


2017: ‘On the Reflexivity of Crises: Lessons from Critical Theory and Systems Theory’, European Journal of Social Theory 20(4): 511-530. [Download]  


2016: ‘The temporalization of critique and the open riddle of history: On Reinhart Koselleck’s contributions to Critical Theory’, Thesis Eleven 137(1): 55–71. [Download]  


2014: ‘It happens “in-between”: On the spatial birth of politics in Arendt’s On Revolution’, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 1 (3): 249-265. [Download]  


2014: ‘Introduction to the special issue on the 50th anniversary of Hannah Arendt’s On Revolution’, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 1 (3): 213-215. [Download]  


2014: ‘Crisis and Critique in Jürgen Habermas’s Social Theory’, European Journal of Social Theory 17(4): 497-515. [Download]  


2011: ‘La política como profesión: Cambio partidario y la transformación social de la élite política chilena, 1961-2006, Política y Gobierno 13(1): 39-71. [Download]  


2010: ‘Social ties, youth, and normative transgression: conceptual and methodological problems in the study of social cohesion in Latin America’, Latin American Research Review 45(2). [Download]  


2009: ‘On the Elective Affinity Between “Critique” and “Crisis”’, Studies in Social and Political Thought 16: 64-81. [Download]  


2007: ‘Legislatures in Presidential Systems: The Latin American Experience’, Journal of Legislative Studies 12(3-4). [Download]  


2005: ‘Los medios masivos y las transformaciones de la esfera pública en Chile’, Persona y Sociedad 19(3): 233-258. [Download]