Rodrigo Cordero

Professor of Sociology
Universidad Diego Portales, Chile

Rodrigo Cordero (PhD Sociology, University of Warwick) is a full professor of sociology at Universidad Diego Portales, Chile, where he is also the Director of the PhD in Social Sciences. He has been a visiting scholar at The New School for Social Research, New York, and Birkbeck College, London, and distinguished as a Member at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. 

His research is located at the intersection of critical theory, conceptual history, political sociology, and socio-legal studies, with a thematic focus on social crises and normative conflicts, relations between neoliberalism and law, legal imaginaries and juridical cultures, and sociology of democracy and constitutions. His work has been published, among other outlets, in the European Journal of Social Theory, Distinktion, Constellations, Socio-Legal Studies, Journal of Law and Society, Thesis Eleven, Critical Horizons, Historical Methods, Nature and Culture. He is the author of Crisis and Critique: On the Fragile Foundations of Social Life (Routledge, 2017) and La Fuerza de los Conceptos: Ensayos en Teoría Crítica e Imaginación Política (Metales Pesados, 2021). He is also editor of the journal Cuadernos de Teoría Social

He is currently working on two book projects, tentatively titled: The Political Imagination of Law: Juridical Fictions, Constitutional Struggles, and Social Transformation in Chile; and Normative Futures: A Critical Sociology of Juridical Fictions

‘The fact that man lives in a conceptually structured environment does not prove that he has turned away from life, or that a historical drama has separated him from it — [but] just that he lives in a certain way, that he has a relationship with his environment such that he had no set point of view toward it…. Forming concepts is a way of living and not a way to immobilize life; it is a way to live in a relative mobility …’


—Michel Foucault