
Your abstract is one of the most important pieces of writing you will do. This is likely the only piece of your writing that many judges will read! Keep in mind that abstracts have different requirements for the different competitions; however, the abstract that you write for the school science fair is the same format and style that you will need for the regional and state science fairs.

Abstract Formatting

  • It is recommended that you write your abstract using MS Word in order to utilize the program's spelling and grammar check features. (You can copy and paste your writing on to the official abstract form)

  • All abstracts must me submitted on the official GSEF Abstract Form (Make sure you download and save this file because you will need it for the regional and state fairs.)

  • Review the tips for writing an abstract before you write. This may be the most significant piece that you write related to your project.

  • Once complete, save your official GSEF abstract as a .pdf file using the name convention: Last Name_First Initial_School.

Abstract Tips

A project abstract is a brief paragraph or two (no more than 250 words) that highlights and summarizes the major points or most important ideas about your project. An abstract allows judges to quickly determine the nature and scope of your research. As you write, emphasize the following aspects:

  • purpose (hypothesis)

  • methods (procedures used)

  • data summary/analysis

  • conclusions.

It is recommended that you use appropriate scientific language. Proper syntax, correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all essential.