
D'Kitty (pronounced as "The Kitty") is a twelve degree of freedom platform for exploring learning-based techniques in locomotion.


Indoor: Walking in clutter

A Sim2Real policy trained via Natural Policy Gradient on MuJoCo simulation with randomized perturbations learns to walk in clutter and step over objects

Indoor: Walking through obstacles

A Sim2Real policy trained via Natural Policy Gradient on MuJoCo simulation with randomized perturbations learns to walk in clutter and step over objects

Outdoor: gravel & branches

A Sim2Real policy trained via Natural Policy Gradient on MuJoCo simulation with randomized height field learns to walk outdoors over gravel and branches

Outdoor: slope & grass

A Sim2Real policy trained via Natural Policy Gradient on MuJoCo simulation with randomized height field learns to handle moderate slopes

Avoid Moving Obstacles

Policy trained via Hierarchical Sim2Real learns to avoid a moving block and reach the target (marked by the controller on the floor)

Push to Moving Goal

Policy trained via Hierarchical Sim2Real learns to push block towards a moving target (marked by the controller in the hand)


Policy trained via Hierarchical Sim2Real learns to coordinate tow D'Kitties to push a heavy block towards a target (marked by two + signs on the floor)