D'Kitty Benchmarks
D'Kitty platform supports three benchmarks -- Stand
, Orient
and Walk
-- that are inspired by the fundamental behaviors observed in quadruped locomotion.
D'Kitty Stand: getting upright
Standing upright is one of the most fundamental behavior exhibited by the animals. This task involves reaching a pose while being upright. A successful strategy requires maintaining the stability of the torso via the ground reaction forces.
D'Kitty Orient: align heading with the target
This task involves changing orientation from an initial facing direction to a desired facing direction. This set of tasks is posed as matching the target configuration of the torso. A successful strategy requires maneuvering the torso via the ground reaction forces while maintaining balance.
D'Kitty Walk: get to the target
This task involves the D'Kitty moving its world position from an initial cartesian position to desired cartesian position while maintaining a desired facing direction. This task is posed as matching the cartesian position of the torso with a distant target. Successful strategy needs to exhibit locomotion gaits while maintaining heading.