Once upon a time ... long, long ago ... in a distant land (Oakville, Ontario) before Rob had a beard (Yes, the late 1970's as can be seen by the curtains below) he used to write and perform quite a bit with a couple of friends, Ian White and Al Halliday. Ian went into interior design and Al went on to Harvard for economics and ... rugby!
Although all went into other careers, music remains a large part of all of their lives.
It has been a while since I wrote anything for guitar and voice, but in the last couple of years I have got back into writing, hence this website. Mostly choral and handbells but, as you will see from the video, I had a little ... 'time' to try something with my guitar.
This is more the kind of stuff I've been singing in the last number of years. From The Messiah, "Comefort Ye" and "Every Valley". A performance in St. Mary's, Ontario with Ian Sadler at the organ.
Comfort Ye

Every Valley

Ian White
Ian is an incredible guitarist! The guitar goes everywhere with him and is never more that a few feet away. In his early 20's, Ian started to lose his site. He is now the President of The Canadian Council of the Blind Toronto Visionaries Chapter where he assists other visually-impaired individuals to explore their potential for living a full, rich life through social encouragement.
Al Haliday
Al left Oakville to attend Harvard to study Economics and to play Rugby. He graduated in 1982. In 2006 I took the Pearson Singers on a choir trip to Boston and we had a chance to visit Harvard!
I had a chance to catch up a bit!
Al is a philanthropic advisor and director of principal gifts for Harvard. While he was doing his degree, Al was a member of the Glee Club and the rugby team. Most recently, he was a management consultant for the Monitor Group. Al is a songwriter and jazz pianist, and once played the bagpipes for Ella Fitzgerald! (Where is that YouTube video?!!!)