About the Club

Members of the club have the option of either working together to create a full music score and have a band play the piece or work on individual scores for self improvement (not played) throughout the year. That being said....

This Isn't A "Light" Music Club...

River Music Composition Club is anything but "light" when it comes to music. We do numerous activities to help create and visualize melodies, use music theory to further our abilities as music writers, and try to work together to develop ideas. These ideas are typically quite rough at first, but they eventually evolve through revision and experimentation. We work with music composition software like Musescore and Flat, and new members are given an overview on how to work with both by the Score Leader as well as veteran members.

Not Restricted to Band or Orchestral Music

The club and those that are members of the club are not restricted to classical music. Whether it be the option of creating a full score or individual scores, the group is free to make anything from J-Pop to Heavy Metal.

Individual Effort, Group Effort, and Communication

"The club is like an animation studio. If an animator or a director doesn't meet a deadline or has an unfinished product, everything is either pushed back or canceled."

Individual effort and group effort is key to making this club successful. If the club decides to write a full score, each person MUST pull their own weight. One member might be strong in percussion and another might be strong in brass. It is best if each person writes to their suited section. Slacking only leads to downfalls. Members should keep communicating with each other as to what tasks need to be done as this is essential to the process of writing a group score. Progress checks are made throughout the score writing process (whether its individual work or the full score being written) and deadline dates are decided on by the whole group.