We live in a mobile world! Although River Run strives to exemplify the definition of The Church (defined as an assembly of believers), the reality is that we aren't always together in one spot. As a result, River Run, in our efforts in Building HIS Community, is pleased to offer the following mobile resources to help you stay connected even when you're unable to join us.

Community Needs Resources

As a church, it is our desire to help hurting people in a hurting world. We desire to walk alonside those needing to expereince the light and love of Christ, but also acknowledge that first step may be intemidating for some. We are happy to provide to following comminty resource links for those seeking help beyond that which the church may be able to provide.

Staying Connected Resources

Wave Student Ministries

Middle School: Text @wsmms to 81010

High School: Text @wsmhs to 81010

River Kids