Building His Community ... Impacting Our Community

We believe God has uniquely positioned River Run Christian Church to impact our community. We live among a lost, hurting, broken world and we have been commissioned to bring Kingdom principles to reality with those we come in contact with. We believe we can Build Community to Impact Community by achieving the following 4 objectives.

Mission driven, focused ministries - We align all ministries to the mission and vision of River Run Christian Church which exists to Love God, Love Others, and Share God’s Love Locally and Globally. This allows us to encourage walking, reaching, teaching and serving in relationship with God.

Transforming children and youth ministries - We embrace children and youth as they are by engaging their hearts and minds to know God. Parents are enlisted for a combined impact in developing authentic faith. We mobilize families to share and show God’s love to others.

Impeccable finances and facilities - We use fiscally sound financial management which moves us toward becoming debt free. Maintaining our buildings and grounds is a key responsibility in honoring our Lord. Diligent stewardship of both aligns and enhances our finances and facilities to become impeccable while meeting our future needs.

Life changing community impact - We are identified as a leader in meeting the spiritual, relational, and financial needs of our communities. Collaborating with other churches and organizations, we equip our members to reach their neighbors with the practical love of Christ.