The River Run Experience begins the moment you first pull onto the parking lot. Throughout the various buildings on our campus, you'll find ministry opportunities for the entire family. The education building offers multiple ABS (Adult Bible Studies) during each worship hour; the youth house offers Jr High (6-8th grade) and Sr. High (9-12th grade) Bible Study at 9:30am; the kids building houses our energetic River Kids ministry both services; and inside “The Dome” is our worship center where our contemporary worship services take place.

As the service begins, you are encouraged to engage with our worship band as they lead us in praise to God. You will hear a dynamically applicable message straight from the Bible and will be offered the opportunity to join in communion with other believers. Each service will have an invitation to accept Christ or to have prayer partners support you through prayer, and you may witness a decision that leads to baptism (immersion) as the testimony of a new believer.

One thing you will not find is the pressure to “give money”. In 1 Cor 9:7, Paul says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” We trust our church body to have a right relationship with God regarding their financial stewardship. We simply place offering boxes throughout the dome for deposit of individuals' giving (we make online giving available as well).

We hope you enjoy your time visiting with us at River Run Christian Church, and it is our greatest desire that you establish a relationship with Christ and find a church to call home. If you find River Run to be that place, we welcome you with open arms!