The Hendricks Families

General History

The early life of James is unknown. James married Drusilla Dorris on May 31, 1827 in Franklin, Kentucky where they would live for some time.

In 1835, Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints paid a visit to the Hendrick home and taught the reformed gospel to them.2.1 James and Drusilla were baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1835. The same year, the Hendricks family packed their belongings and moved to Missouri to live with the other Saints. They first settled in Clay County before being driven out to Caldwell County.

On Oct 25, 1838, James participated in the Battle of Crooked River, a scrimmage between Latter-day Saints and the Missouri Militia to prevent the Saints from moving to the state. In the conflict, James was shot in the neck and hardly had feeling from the neck down. The Hendricks family continued to live in the area until James was treated and moved to Quincy, Illinois.2.2

After the Hendricks received their endowments in the Temple after its completion, they joined the Grant/Nobel company on June 19, 1847 and entered the Salt Lake Valley on Oct 2. On Feb 22, 1849, James was ordained as the Bishop of the Nineteenth Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served until 1856.1 

The Hendricks family moved to Richmond in 1860 by invitation from their son Joseph.

Individual History