Academic Commitees

What is an Academic Committee?

The Academic Committee program is geared towards pharmacy students in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd professional years.  It consists of multiple committees for a variety of courses that students take during these years, such as Pharmaceutics, Compounding, Drugs & Diseases, and more!

Our Academic Committee Head Chairs 

The Academic Committee Head Chairs are assigned to courses through an application process in which they are selected based on their conveyed interest in the program, as well as their academic standing in the course(s) that would like to lead.  The main responsibilities of the Head Chairs include holding review sessions, providing study materials for students, and being a resource for guidance outside of the classroom.

Spring 2024 Academic Committee Head Chairs and Important Links:

Click here to access study materials for Spring 2024 courses!


Intro to Pharmacology - Afeefah Anwar


Cardio/Renal II DND - Jeffrey Lim

Neuro/Psych DND - Katelyn Hoosein & Matthew Pickow

Respiratory DND - Andrew Collazo


Drug-Induced Diseases - Nalisa Saenrit & Hillary Fu

Nutraceutics - Sameen Latif