
Host(s): gameisparadise#3990, Roar2737#1368, Haddit#0525, Joshua Leong#7533

Posted here are the slides with annotations from the sessions.

HL 09A - Electrochemistry 1 20 Oct 2022 evening session.pptx

Topic 9: Electrochemistry

Part 1: Galvanic cell


  1. Oxidation states.

  2. Balancing redox equations.

  3. Introduction.

  4. Galvanic cell.

  5. Standard reduction potential. (HL)

  6. Measuring standard reduction potential. (HL)

  7. Cell diagram.

  8. Activity series.

  9. Standard cell potential. (HL)

  10. Thermodynamic feasibility of redox reaction. (HL)

  11. Non-standard conditions. (HL)