Chinese Ab/B

Host(s): iamgrass0000#7987, Arushi#2311

1. being able to use the language you know well is more important than being able to use fancy words you don't understand (credits to ent)

2. when picking a text type if the prompt doesn't specify, always think about the audience (who you're speaking to) and the speaker (who you are)

the prompt will always specify at least one or both of those things

so if you are the 主办人 and it's at a school, you're most likely a student speaking to students

in this case 演讲稿 and 广告 make the most sense, because you could be making an announcement at an assembly or else writing a flyer that will be distributed around the school about the event (credits to jv)

3. compile the command terms thingy (compiled from the past papers i bought in ib store ) (credits to pingy)

介紹, 说说, 分享, 讨论 ,告诉, etc

4. whenever you read a paper 1 question, try to think about how you'd do it in english first (credits to ent)

5. if you have an outline of each paragraph + cheng yus to build around, it will make forming the paragraph itself when you're writing in an exam easier (credits to jv)

6. it's also a good idea to brainstorm chengyu associated with each of the main paragraph ideas, before you start writing the exam (credits to jv)

7. WHAT YOU CAN DO on the reading time (IB exams give you reading time of 5 minutes i think)

1. circle the important parts

2. identify the actual question so you know what text type

3. Brain dump mindmap for different ideas to talk about

4. take a deep breath. you got this.