
Host(s): Juη#0309, kaizokuoo#9461

Topic 1: Cell Biology Google Slides, Supplementary Notes, and Lecture

My advice is to use both the slides and notes since the notes expand on the concepts and summaries within the slides, otherwise you will be missing out on some nuance, especially since the notes lack images. The lecture recording has some more insight and combines both in an explanation.

Topic 1 Slides and Notes

Topic 1 Review Cell Biology
Topic 1 Supplementary Notes.pdf

Topic 1 Review Lecture

Topic 1 Lecture Recording.mp4

Topic 8: Metabolism Google Slides, Supplementary Notes, and Lecture

My previous advice from topic 1 will apply here and for topic 10 too. For topic 8 specifically, understanding the progression and movement of molecules is best with a video visual if the images and notes provided do not click. Practice drawing the processes, because that will make organizing and identifying which information is important easier for the exam.

Topic 8 Slides and Notes

Topic 8 Review Metabolism
Topic 8 Supplementary Notes.pdf

Topic 10: Metabolism Google Slides, Supplementary Notes, and Lecture

Part of topic 10 is more focused on statistics, so practice calculating Chi-Squared tests and interpreting genotype ratios for linked and unlinked genes. I glossed over Chi-Squared because it would be more beneficial for you to consult question banks and past papers. Also practice dihybrid crosses and test crosses. Meiosis may be a bit harder for you to understand without a video visual either. If you can visual the process and movement of DNA, it becomes easier to identify what happens when and where rather than trying to brute force it.

Topic 10 Slides and Notes

Topic 10 Review Genetics
Topic 10 Supplementary Notes.pdf

Topic 8 and 10 Review Lecture

Topic 8 and 10 Lecture Recording.mp4