Shalom for the City:

Asset Based Approaches for Congregational and Community Development

Session 1-Session 2




Classroom: 106

But seek the shalom of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its shalom you will find your shalom. Jeremiah 29:7

This workshop will be held in two sessions. The first session will provide an understanding of Shalom as a vision and set of guiding principles for transforming neighborhoods, communities and congregations. Shalom provides a vision of peace, justice, wholeness and welfare that God intends for humanity and the world. In a time of uncertainty, confusion and chaos, Shalom provides a way forward. The workshop will highlight the important biblical mandate of Shalom as well as a theology of mission known as “missio dei” or God’s mission. God is constantly at work in his creation. The task of the church is not to do mission work but instead to partner with what God is already doing.

The second session of the workshop will introduce an impactful approach for creating Shalom in our communities. The approach is known as Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). It offers a new lens for discovering gifts and strengths in a local community that can revitalize not only the neighborhood but also the congregation. Two important tools for this approach include: 1) asset mapping and 2) community learning conversations. Participants will learn how to use these tools for developing new ministries and programs with new people and communities.

Dionisio Salazar - Serves as a trainer for a new Rio Texas conference community development initiative called "Transformational Communities of Praxis." He also serves as Chair of the Transforming Communities Vision Team.

Abel Vega - Serves as a trainer for a new Rio Texas conference community development initiative called "Transformational Communities of Praxis." He is the Director of Outreach Vitality of the Rio Texas Mission Vitality Center.