Below please find a list of faculty who have research groups at Keck Science.  To learn more about their research programs, click on the links below their names.  To see which labs have open positions, you can go here.

Budischak lab

Budischak Lab Website

Areas: Disease Ecology

Research Description: We study wildlife disease, especially: co-infection, costs of parasite infection, environmental drivers of infection, genomics of susceptibility, and animal migration & disease.


Van Arnam Lab Website

Areas: Biological chemistry, chemical ecology, natural products chemistry

Research Description: We study naturally occurring molecules to understand their ecological functions and/or potential as antibiotics

S. Williams LAB

S. Williams Lab Website

Areas: Organic Chemistry, Chemical Biology

Research Description: We use chemistry and protein engineering to understand and improve proteins that kill harmful bacteria

Leconte LAB

Leconte Lab Website

Areas: Biochemistry, Biotechnology

Research Description: We engineer proteins to create useful tools for medicine and biotechnology


Caulkins Lab Website

Areas: Biophysical Chemistry

Research Description: Probing biomolecular structure and function using NMR


Soils Lab Website

Areas: Soil science, geomorphology, paleosols

Research Description: I study the ways in which soils, sediments, and landforms record/respond to environmental change.

Solomon-Lane Lab

Solomon-Lane Lab Website

Areas: behavior, neuroscience, endocrinology

Research Description: We study the development of social behavior and its regulation by behavioral, endocrine, and neural mechanisms.

Dr. Bob's Herpetology Lab


Areas: herpetology, conservation, ecology

Research Description: Conservation of amphibians & reptiles with questions ranging from ecology to animal behavior 


McFarlane Website

Areas: Ecology, biodiversity and palaeontology

Research Description: Tropical biodiversity, palaeontology, heavy metals elements in the environment, natural radioisotopes in the environment.

PROF. Landsberg (PHYSICS)

Adam Landsberg Website

Areas: mathematical & computational modeling of complex systems

Research Description: (see website)

Chandrangsu Lab

Chandrangsu Lab Website

Areas: Microbiology, molecular biology, ecology

Research Description: How microbes shape and influence the world around us from the molecular to ecological scale.

Jha Lab

Jha Lab Website

Areas: Cell Biology; Plant-Environment Interactions.

Research Description: We study cellular mechanisms that regulate plant development especially when responding to environmental fluctuations and stress.

E. Ferree lab

E. Ferree Lab Website

Areas: Behavioral Ecology

Research Description: Our lab currently studies winter social behavior, migration patterns, and suburban ecology of birds. (photo credit: Julia Brekke)


Wenzel Lab Website

Areas: organic chemistry, pharmaceutical science

Research Description: Catalyst development, asymmetric synthesis, investigation of drug falsification


Purvis-Roberts Group Website

Areas: Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Research Description: Her research probes the chemical formation of particulate matter air pollution and characterizes the water-soluble component of Secondary Organic Aerosol formation from alkyl amines and reduced sulfur precursors. 

Dettmar Microscopy Group


Areas: Chemistry, Microscopy

Research Description: Our lab tackles challenges in broadband UV-VIS-NIR microscopy with novel optical design approaches.


beatLab Website

Areas: Neuroscience, Cognitive science

Research Description: Using brain waves and video games as tools to study intelligent behavior


Gilman Lab Website

Areas: Marine Ecology, Climate Change

Research Description: The effect of temperature on the physiology and ecology of intertidal barnacles and snails

Kron lab


Areas: Organic Catalysis Design

Research Description: We perform molecular modelling calculations and use machine learning for greener organic catalyst design. 


Armstrong Lab Website

Areas: Genetics, cell biology

Research Description: Our research goal is to understand the complex roles of chromatin remodelers in gene expression.

Nancy Williams


Areas: organometallic, inorganic, and computational chemistry

Research Description: We study complexes of platinum and iridium designed to break alkane C-H bonds.

Sheung lab

Sheung Lab Website

Areas: Experimental biophysics

Research Description: We study intracellular transport and the mechanics of cytoskeletal composites with custom-built optical imaging systems.

Di Luccio lab

Di Luccio Website

Areas: Polymer physics, nanomaterials

Research Description: We study processing-structure-property relations of polymer nanocomposites using polarized light microscopy and x-ray scattering. 

Marzen lab

Marzen Lab Website

Areas: theoretical/computational biophysics

Research Description: My research lab had two arms: using machine learning to better understand biological data, and interpreting biological organisms as machine learners.  We now have a third: modeling cognitive and social science data to understand which interventions are likely to produce societally positive results.


Watson Lab Website

Areas: Neuroscience

Research Description: We investigate how the brain maintains proper levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine using the fruit fly! 



Areas: Conservation, Ecology, Computer modeling

Research Description: Our lab uses experiments, field research, and computational tools to understand environmental problems such as non-native species and climate change.

This website is maintained by Aaron Leconte.  Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to