The Watson Lab

Molecular Mechanisms of Dopamine Signaling 

Welcome to Our Dopa Fly Lab!

W.M. Keck Science Department of Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and Scripps Colleges

Our lab is interested in the cellular and molecular mechanisms that maintain neuronal homeostasis and how disruptions in these pathways contribute to psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders

The focus of our current research investigates how the brain maintains dopamine homeostasis in order to identify novel pathways that lead to neurological disease

We use Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism since dopamine is present in these fruit flies and regulates similar functions to those in mammals, including circadian rhythms, aggression, attention, learning, and reward! They are provide powerful genetic tools and relative ease of use!

Our lab combines genetic, molecular, behavioral, statistical computing, and imaging techniques to explore modulators of dopamine homeostasis and model neurological disorders in the fruit fly.

June 05, 2023 

Keck Summer Research Students start working in the lab

Welcome Rachel, Len, Rhea, and Jessica to the lab! 

Lab News 

June 16, 2023 

Keck Summer Brown Bag Lunch Symposium

Tips and Tricks on Effective Presentations and a Social Event!