Standards für die Lehrerbildung.



The KMK resolution first sets out the general agreements. The standards are intended to provide clarity of objectives and serve as a means of verifying the achievement of objectives. They formulate competences which are of particular importance in the field of educational science in teacher training in theory and practice. The educational sciences comprise scientific areas that deal with educational and upbringing processes and the educational systems. The general formulation of standards is intended to ensure the quality of school education. The basis for this is provided by the educational and upbringing goals formulated by the KMK in 2000. These are used to form the competence areas of teaching, educating, assessing and innovating. These competence areas are each assigned competences. These make demands on the actions of teachers that are to be achieved in training and studies. The theoretical and practical parts of the training are systematic and cumulative. The resolution outlines the content focus of the training, the didactic-methodological approaches of the educational sciences and the possibilities for promoting the competencies. This is followed by the concrete formulation of the competencies under the mentioned areas of competence. The eleven competencies are formulated for theory and practice respectively.

Language: German


Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2014). Standards für die Lehrerbildung. Bildungswissenschaften.