Kompetent durch Migrationserfahrung? – Die Betonung des Migrationshintergrunds als Gefahr einer Deprofessionalisierung von Lehrkräften


Rotter (2014) questions 14 teachers with migration background about their professional self-concept as well as the self-conception of the level of importance of the migration background. Rotter analyses the interviews content wise and forms types: 1) The “Competent Immigrant”-Type and 2) The “Pedagogical Professional”-Type. While type 1 tends to put his/her migration background in teaching first and puts the skills on the subject in the background (danger of deprofessionalisation), type 2 draws his/her skills out of the teacher training but is labelled as teacher with migration background through colleagues etc. and is therefore unable to get him/herself out of this labelling process. The analysis made the author learn that there is a danger that biographically acquired knowledge is automatically used as expert-knowledge. This can/may lead to the reproduction of stereotyped ideas about people with migration background. For this reason, there is a need for programmes dealing with teacher training (in particular for teachers with migration background) to take up the biographical experiences and to transfer them into professional action patterns through conscious reflection processes.

Language: German


Rotter, Carolin (2014). Kompetent durch Migrationserfahrung? – Die Betonung des Migrationshintergrunds als Gefahr einer Deprofessionalisierung von Lehrkräften. Zeitschrift für interpretative Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung 3,101-114.