Digital Library

The digital library brings together the most important aspects of the discourse on teacher education regarding professionalisation and the expectations of roles and competencies of teachers in the countries as much as on the situation of migrated teachers in the European countries and beyond.

When a scientific basis is needed, the digital library offers a compendium of scientific papers, which can serve as guidelines and orientation for the development of (re-)qualification programmes in the future. Since other institutions than universities might as well be brought out such programmes, the digital library ensures, that people can get themselves well informed not only on practical requirements but also on the idea of professionalization for teaching in schools.

The library also serves (recently) immigrated teachers who attend running programmes to deepen their knowledge on standards for teacher professionalization in the countries they immigrated too.

To set up the digital library the partners of the consortium of R/EQUAL have reviewed the scientific discourse and deduced essential topics that are important for all who bring out (re-)qualification programmes. The digital library offers several scientific papers published by other authors and by the partners of the consortium themselves reporting from the experiences in the (re-)qualification programmes they run. It also provides self-written summaries that ease quick readings for an overall understanding of the discourse. The digital library is divided into three sections covering various topics that may be of interest and addresses institutions that develop (re-)qualification programmes or people who attend (re-)qualification programmes as much as all other people that are interested in this special topic, e.g. students at university, colleagues or members of schools and school authorities.

that covers papers on professionalisation and inte-gration of migrated teachers coming to Europe and papers on professionalisation with the background of migration in countries out of Europe.

that covers the national discourses on the role and competencies of teachers in the partner countries and how professionalisation is been understood.

presents a study on expectations and experiences of (recently) immigrated teachers who currently participate or have been participating in the (re-)-qualification programmes of the partners and where interviewed in spring 2020 on how they perceived the path of lateral entry to teaching in the countries of arrival, Austria, Germany and Sweden.

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Suitable for readers with an academic background.
Suitable for readers that are still studying.
Suitable for all readers.
Text with long sentences and several technical terms.
Text with some long sentences and some technical terms.
Text with short sentences and only a few technical terms.
Pre-knowledge is required.
Text can also be understood with some pre-knowledge.
No pre-knowledge required.
50 and more pages.
Up to 50 pages.
Up to 20 pages.

"This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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