MILLY: Eternal Ring (3/12/2024)

MILLY: Eternal Ring [Dangerbird, 2022] The emo children of Linkin Park and Sebadoh are here to claim their spot on college radio, and, as far as groups by second-gen emo stoners go, they did pretty well. "Illuminate" best represents this sound, but first few tracks are hardly the album's peak. "Stuck In The Middle" is Pisces Iscariot and Built To Spill spliced together to soar off high into the summer sky, "Ring True" is the maudlin centerpiece. If you stop after the first three seconds, "The End" is ripped wholesale from "Mayonaise", but hey, I guess there is some merit in waiting less than five seconds before filing a lawsuit in the name of Billy Corgan. "Carousel" is the sad closer that isn't half as sad because the whole album is sad. Maybe they won't be sad when that big hit single comes out. Oh well. They're a small band. As long as they aren't making the cover of the tabloids on the racks at Walmart, I don't have to care. [7.7/10]

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