
Identified Pray-ers in The Regional groups

As the result of a recommendation agreed to at the November 2020 Presbytery meeting, all of the regional groups have been asked to identify pray-ers within their region who can be given prayer suggestions etc. and who have agreed to pray for spiritual renewal and growth within the presbytery.

The following resource groups have responded with the names of pray-ers:

  • Dunedin - North Otago

  • Clutha

Prayer suggestions will, periodically, be sent to the coordinator in each regional group to be distributed to the pray-ers but will also appear on the blog. If you would like to be part of this team, please use the form below.

Other Prayer

Of course, we hope many others will also pray for the spiritual life of the Presbytery. We would love to know about groups or individuals praying for the spiritual vitality of our churches.

Let us know

We would love feedback on:

  • other topics that might be highlighted for prayer

  • what you believe God is saying

  • stories of prayers being answered

  • good things that are happening in our churches

Prayer Helps

Use the words of this song as a prayer

by Jimmy Hegan

Floods of revival , Lord, let them fall;

Streams of salvation reaching to all;

Pour out Thy Spirit , great is our need;

Sweep o'er our beings, now while we plead.

Spirit Divine , O quicken us now,

While in Thy presence , humbly we bow;

Set all our hearts ablaze with Thy love

Teach as the secret of life from above.

Utterly yielded , longing to know

All the blest fulness love can bestow,

Ready and willing , eager to give;

Perfect obedience , bravely to live.

Raise up a people , holy and free;

Heart with a vision like unto Thee;

Souls that would rather die than give in --

Lives with a passion, victory to win.

O for a deluge - Holy Ghost power;

Lord we are waiting ,send it this hour

Open the windows of heaven we pray;

All on the altar gladly we lay.

Can also be sung to Blessed Assurance

The follow prayers for renewal come from Prayer for renewal.

There is also comment there about the need for renewal in our relationship with God.

Oh loving Lord,

Even though I know you and accept you as Lord and Savior, I don’t want to fall into a routine. So I come to you seeking a fresh, new perspective.

Not to throw away past lessons, but for your Spirit to rebuild and breathe new life into my faith.

Show me how to do this. Let me open myself completely to your voice; the voice that tells me God is love and in Christ all things are new.

Renew me, restore me, break me down if needed, then, let me fall in love again, oh Lord, trusting in your promises. Now a bit more mature and solid in the ways of the Master but still with so much to learn.

Let my joy be a deeper joy, one that celebrates and gives thanks.

Let my love be a deeper love, one that receives and gives life.

May it all start and end with my Lord, my God, my Savior Jesus Christ,

In his holy name,


Oh heavenly Lord,

We love you and we give you thanks.

Today we come to you asking for renewal. This is not a call to return to the past but, instead, to revive the essence of our relationship with you. We are sinners saved. We were lost and now found. Our hearts were hard but now we feel thanks and joy. This all comes from you.

Let us return then. O Lord, to the same spirit but in a new way. Show us, O Lord. In the name of Jesus, renew us in the way you desire.

We do not seek the superficial or spectacular. Instead we want to go deeper and know You more. May our obedience be the fruit of this process. And may our hearts sing with great joy, responding to the greatest love of all - the love of Christ our Lord.

In Jesus' name, amen.