
Our presbytery is diverse - different locations and settings, different theologies, etc.. Some resources will be ideal for some people and of no interest at all to others. If, when you suggest resources, you can give an indication of their nature, that might help others choose.

When you look at resources, you will probably get an idea of their nature (e.g. from their description or from knowing the person who has recommended them). We will rely on you to be discerning.

Within the Southern Presbytery

This website focuses on the life of the Southern Presbytery. Check out the resources on the following pages.

Linked To The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NZ

  • Forge Aotearoa - provides leadership development training for those wanting to be missional and for missional communities.

Provided By Members Of The Southern Presbytery


Presbyterians and Revival

New Zealand

You can contact Roy McKenzie on (03) 208-0785 or email him at He lives at 10 Naumai St., Gore 9710.

Peter Cheyne's Websites

Peter is working on sites on...

There are many more resources we could make available but we are not ready to do that. We'll let you know how we get on.