Renew South

Seeking spiritual renewal and growth in the Southern Presbytery of the PCANZ

In 2019, the Southern Presbytery asked for a focus on spiritual renewal and growth to be a priority within the Presbytery. More detail can be found on the Background page.

A task group was established to coordinate that. It is the hope of that task group that members of the Presbytery can discuss issues and resource one another with the objective of seeing renewal and growth within the presbytery.

This website is one aspect of that work. We hope it is useful to you and we invite your participation and prayer.

To navigate, use the menu above, but here are some things to get you started.

What Is This All About?

The Task Group's working definition of our role is...

We dare to believe that God is at work in the world and in us.

Spiritual renewal includes/involves recognizing and responding to God’s activity in us and in our world.

It is characterised by, and results in:

  • Living into a deeper relationship with God.

  • Vital spirituality

  • Transformed lives and character

  • Empowered service

  • Shalom for the earth and its inhabitants

and [also results in] inviting and welcoming others into this flourishing life, celebrating and supporting people orienting their lives towards God.

So, spiritual renewal is primarily about our relationship with God.

That transforms our lives in many ways.

Growth has two dimensions:

spiritual growth as we mature

numerical growth as more people are brought into God's Kingdom.

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Southern Presbytery