PHIL 110 Logic and Critical Thinking

Course Description & Format

This course introduces the essential elements of critical thinking and logic, including the recognition and evaluation of arguments, identification of linguistic fallacies, propositional logic for deductive arguments (translations and proofs), and (perhaps) a brief a brief introduction to predicate logic.

Logic is the science of reasoning. To reason is to give support for a claim or to give an argument. Thus, logic is the science of arguments. Arguments serve an essential role—they are the means of discovering what is true, which is the central task of philosophy. Others use arguments to convince you that something is true; however, we should only be convinced if the arguments are good. Logic will help us sort the good from the bad arguments. Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly, analytically, rationally, and objectively. It is the ability to apply the rules of logic, to recognize errors in reasoning, such as inconsistencies and fallacies, to seek solutions to problems, and to distinguish fact from opinion.

Basic concepts will be introduced via lecture and discussion and practiced/applied in group and individual exercises in class. Students will complete assigned reading, practice exercises and online homework sets outside of class and take in-class exams. Internet access, monitored email, and compatible software are required. Attendance and participation are required and expected.

Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to introduce students to the essential elements of critical thinking and logic.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students completing this course will be able to

  • Recognize and construct arguments
  • Recognize formal and informal fallacies
  • Evaluate inductive and deductive arguments
  • Translate statements and arguments using sentential logic
  • Calculate the truth value of propositions
  • Construct and interpret truth tables
  • Recognize and apply valid rules of inference
  • Construct proofs using natural deduction

*Please buy the passcode for the ebook & homework site at the bookstore!

*You also need to buy the workbook at the bookstore and bring it to class each day!

Aplia Homework Site

Responsibilities of logic students

What is logic? (Video)

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