Metaphilosophy for Undergraduates

Topics/Questions in Metaphilosophy

  • What is philosophy? A philosophical question?

  • How is philosophy done?

  • Does philosophy make progress?

  • What do different traditions/schools/styles have if common?

  • Why should we do philosophy?

Metaphilosophy on the Web

Readings for Undergraduates


Syllabi & Course Descriptions for Metaphilosophy

Blog Posts and Short Essays

Writing Philosophy

“[Philosophers] may have thought very little about what it is they are doing when they are doing it, which is odd, because usually we need to know what it is we are trying to do before wondering how we should get it done.” Overgaard et al. 2013. An Introduction to Metaphilosophy, pp. 4-5.

“Philosophizing is not like riding a bicycle, best done without thinking about it—or rather: the best cyclists surely do think about what they are doing.” Timothy Williamson, 2008, The Philosophy of Philosophy, p. 8 (cited in Overgaard, et al.)

“The philosophy of philosophy is perhaps a somewhat joyless and unrewarding subject for reflection.” David Armstrong, 1980, The Nature of Mind, p. 19.

“A philosopher should philosophize: he should try to solve philosophical problems, rather than talk about philosophy.” Karl Popper, 1968, Conjectures and Refutations, p. 72. (Cited in Overgaard et al. p. 6).

“Preoccupation with questions about methods tend to distract us from prosecuting the methods themselves. We run, as a rule, worse, not better, if we think a lot about our feet.” Gilbert Ryle, 2009. Collected papers Vol. 2, p. 331. (Cited in Overgaard et al. p. 6.)

Philosophy in the News, Around the Web, and more links here