About Me

I am originally from Sacramento, California, although growing up I also lived on Yakota AFB in Japan and in Vienna, Virginia. After graduating from McClatchy HS in Sacramento, I attended UC Davis, albeit not very often. After dropping out of college, I lived with family in Germany for a year and took a few classes with the University of Maryland. After several years working, I finally went back to school at Sacramento City College, and from there I transferred to CSU Sacramento. I finally earned a BA (in philosophy) ten years after graduating from high school. During those ten years, I had a number of different jobs: painter, waiter, caterer, chauffeur, traveling salesperson, retail salesperson, and wholesale produce rep.

I earned my MA and Ph. D. in philosophy from University of Colorado at Boulder, and I am now a professor of philosophy at Coastal Carolina University. I specialize in philosophy of mind, particularly the problem of phenomenal consciousness, as well as epistemology and philosophy pedagogy. I have published articles both in philosophy of mind and on topics related to teaching philosophy. My most recent paper is on teaching metaphilosophy to undergraduate in Teaching Philosophy.

When I am not teaching or sitting at my computer, I like to spend time with my family, read, visit the beach, and sew.