

For this summative project, I decided to go with a simple typographic logo. This is due to a lot television networks, and instagram pages that I am familiar with following a similar style. Here are some examples on the right. As you can see, a common idea is to use big and bold fonts. In reference to this, you can see my logos below.

Logo Variants

These are the logos that I made. For the two main logos, I tried to keep red as a common element, and switched between black and white depending off of the darkness of the background. Each of these colors provide very strong contrast. Red is a color that represents strength, and passion, white represents peace and purity, black represents power and elegance, and green represents the earth and calm. I established contrast by using different colors, however another way that I achieved contrast was with typography. "HOPR" is written in large box-like letters, which contrasts with the small text under it. Additional contrast is provided by using two different fonts. The font for "HOPR" would be characterized as "decorative", while the font for "hooper project" would be characterized as "sans serif".

After doing a bit of business research, I decided that I wanted to try at having variety within my logos. Businesses are no longer at the point in which they must stick to one type of logo, and that's why changing something as simple as the color fill inside provides a lot of extra detail. When covid started, some companies like Mcdonald's made variations within their logos to match the current world events. I decided that I would use a green fill to match "an everlasting commitment to the environment".

Early work

I got the name of my brand by using the shopify name generator. I shortened it to "HOPR" because I found "Hooper Project" to be too long. You can see some of my earlier revisions here, which I mainly didn't follow through with due to contrast, or color schemes.