Illustrator Project

Throughout my design, I tried to involve several design practices. First of all, I used a very square-like and thin font so that it looks modern. For the second line, I spaced out the letters so that the word took up the same amount of space. I tried to bleed the image as well. Between the lines I also have consistent spacing.

This is my silhouette poster. I think that I implemented the good design practices by having a proper usage of the silhouette feature. Upon first glance to this image, one’s attention would immediately be drawn to the car, due to the high contrast. There is also a big lack of detail when using a silhouette. I tried to take advantage of this by calling the image a “sneak peek”. Typically, when something like this happens, the internet would create a lot of buzz trying to analyze what is going on, and guess the upcoming features.

I could have improved upon the details of the wheels, since they look a bit janky. I could have also changed the typeface for "sneak peek" to match the theme a bit more.