Personal Logo Project

"RG" Logo

If you look closely, this logo has my initials throughout it, with the "R' being at the left hand side, and the "G" being inverse. The logo also sort of looks like an elephant, which I came upon completely by accident when i was playing around with positioning.

I think that this logo is definitely pretty memorable, and it was pretty easy to design, and adaptable. I could see this logo being put things like clothing pretty easily. I'm not sure if "classy" is the word to describe this logo, and I think it's more "playful".


I started off by finding some fonts that I liked since this is a monogram logo. I usually veer towards using the "Cartoon" or "Groovy" fonts. My first draft for a logo was this:

This was a pretty decent logo, but it sort of just felt "cliche" to me, and looked like something I could find on google images. I decided to look around for some more fonts, and later on settled on a new text.

If you follow on from the right to the left, you can see how I played around to get this final logo, I was also experimenting with a different color scheme at the time but eventually settled in with light blue and white.

This was supposed to be a "simple logo" for the john mcwade project. I'm not too proud of it, and feel as though it should contain more substance, like my personal brand logo.