2024 CBYC
Dates in 2024:
December 3rd, 14:00 - 16:00 CET
Chair: Henning Schaak, BOKU, Austria
Growers’ preferences for Xylella fastidiosa management practices: elicitation via discrete choice experiment
Viola Di Cori, Jesús Barreiro-Hurle (European Commission Joint Research Centre) and José A. Gomez-Limon (University of Cordoba)
Alternatives to pesticides in horticulture: a basked based choice experiment
Marianne Lefebvre, Maxime Colin, Laure Perchepied (Angers University) and Julie Borg (INRAE)
March 27th, 14:00 - 16:00 CET
Chair: Alexandre Sauquet, INRAE, France
Farmers’ willingness to uptake underutilised crops: The case of yellow pea in Italy. Integrating a public-good game with a discrete choice experiment
Simone Piras and Tarek Mzek (The James Hutton Institute)
Algorithm Aversion in Farmers’ Usage of Decision Support Tools in Crop Management
Anna Massfeller (Bonn)
Auctioning Conservation Contracts: a Survey Experiment on Farmers' Preferences Across Different Auction Formats Versus Fixed Rate Payment Schemes
Adrien Coiffard (CEEM)
Header image by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash.com, Unsplash License