
REECAP organizes three main types of events: 

The annual meeting of the network: 

The next meeting will be held in Cordoba, SEP 24-26th, 2024!

The REECAP Meeting is usually hosted in-person, on a yearly basis and in larger European cities with a university or organization affiliated with REECAP. The network invites researchers (junor and senior), policymakers and practitioners to join the annual meeting to discuss recent advances around the Common Agricultural Policy, behavioral factors affecting the behavior of agricultural actors and methods for the evaluation of agricultural policies. The network tries to avoid raising conference fees. Apart from session presentations, various formats are offered, ranging from policy roundtables and keynote presentations to world cafés. It is also possible to submit work-in-progress or early stage experimental designs. 

The 2023 meeting was held in Warsaw

Check-Before-You-Collect Webinar: REECAP offers the unique opportunity to present experimental/research designs before data collection. In this online seminar, valuable feedback can be gathered from the REECAP experts before data collection starts and thus, many mistakes can be avoided early-on in the research process. Everyone is invited to submit suitable research to Henning Schaak or Alexandre Sauquet via mail. Depending on the demand, the CBYC webinar takes place every three months. 

The last webinar was held on March 27th, 2024, 14:00 - 16:00 CET

Other events and webinars: REECAP offers irregular workshops and webinars on thematic (such as the future of the CAP) and methodological issues (such as power analysis and open science). More information can be found here

A special webinar in collaboration with colleagues from Australia will be held on November 12th, 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 CET