2022 Webinars

Dates in 2022:

CBEAR-REECAP Co-Hosted Seminar

Farmers’ risk attitudes in eleven European farming systems

Speaker: Jens Rommel SLU (Sweden)

March 7, 5 pm CET 

Abstract: Risk and uncertainty are important in agriculture. A common method to investigate risk preferences are multiple price lists featuring various gambles. We conceptually replicate the widely cited study of Bocquého et al. (2014) who use multiple price lists to investigate whether the risk attitudes of French farmers are better described by Expected Utility Theory or Cumulative Prospect Theory. We can verify the econometric analysis of the original study. As part of a concerted effort of the REECAP network, based on more than 1,000 farmer participants sampled from eleven European farming systems, parameter estimates of our preferred specification of the Cumulative Prospect Theory model are broadly in line with the original study: farmers are, on average, risk-averse, loss-averse, and misperceive probabilities. Compared to the original study, across all samples, farmers exhibit more distorted perceptions of probabilities, but lower levels of loss aversion. An explorative analysis shows that there is large within-sample heterogeneity. We discuss challenges emerging from the organization of large-scale replications of economic experiments with farmers. Building replication networks and forums for exchange as well as improved research infrastructures are crucial for the harmonization of data collection across countries and farming contexts.

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K-CAI Webinar

Evidence for Climate Action in Europe

23 February 2022 - 5:00 to 6:00pm CET 

In Europe, K-CAI supports rigorous randomized evaluations and scale-ups of proven effective programs and policies to support climate change mitigation and pollution reduction, including in the agricultural sector. 

REECAP board has been contacted to promote K-CAI to its members, in particular those in charge of designing agricultural policies and programs related to climate change mitigation.

This webinar will be relevant for implementers and practitioners interested in collaborating with J-PAL researchers to evaluate their climate action interventions. It will shed light on the process, benefits, and challenges of using randomised evaluations to generate evidence in the climate action space in Europe. Speakers will cover a range of topics, including:

Speakers :

Andreas Löschel Chair for Environmental/Resource Economics and Sustainability, Ruhr University Bochum

Tara Marwah Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL Europe

Robert Metcalfe Associate Professor of Economics, University of Southern California

Claire Walsh Associate Director of Policy and K-CAI Project Director, J-PAL

Header image by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash.com, Unsplash License