
Lesson A: Renewed By Wonder

Our faith reminds us that wonder is a central source of renewal, so much so that we’ve put it in the first of our UU sources: “Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life.” So what’s one of the ways our faith guides us into becoming a people of renewal? It tells us to “Let wonder wash over you!”

Wonder Box


Draw Me a Star- Eric Carle

Mindfulness Moment

Activity: Share a Wonder Drawing

Supplies: Drawing materials

Draw something full of wonder. What would a starry sky look like? A new baby? Colors, shapes, movement are all full of wonder. Share it with each other.


  • Who in your life makes you feel wonderful?

  • Who introduced you to an amazing thing?

UU of the Week: Maria Mitchell

Lesson B: Renewed by Our Unique Selves

Our faith reminds us that we renew ourselves by being true to ourselves. This is captured most directly in our celebration of the “worth and dignity of every person.” It’s also captured in the words of the Joseph Campbell quote so many UUs love to quote: “Follow your bliss.” So what’s one of the ways our faith guides us into becoming a people of renewal? It tells us, “Love who you are!”

Wonder Box


A Bad Case of Stripes- David Shannon

Mindfulness Moment

Activity: Favorites Game

Supplies Needed: Coloring materials, 6-8 pieces of blank paper

Activity Instructions: Name some “favorite things” (see below) and give the children 1 minute to draw their answer. After the minute is up, have each child share their drawing - but here’s the catch - don’t have them say what it is. Instead have the others guess what the picture is of. Often it is easy to guess but it can be fun when the short drawing time makes it hard and others give answers that are way off and goofy.

Here are some “favorite prompts.” But have some fun creating your own too!

  • What’s your favorite food?

  • What’s your favorite movie?

  • What’s your favorite candy bar?

  • What’s your favorite sports team?

  • What’s your favorite book?

  • What’s your favorite season?


  • What makes you special?

  • What is something special you see about the people in your family?

UU of the Week: e.e. Cummings

Lesson C: Renewing Our Relationships

As a covenantal religion, our faith places relationships, and our promises to each other at the center of our faith. As since we’re human we sometimes break those promises and hurt those relationships. So renewal and repair is necessary and sacred work. So what’s one of the ways our faith guides us into becoming a people of renewal? It tells us to “Get comfortable with the work of renewal and repair!”

Wonder Box


Are We Still Friends By Ruth Horowitz

Mindfulness Moment

Activity: Wash Away Your Mistakes

Supplies Needed: Washable markers, coffee filter

Activity Instructions; Using washable markers, write or draw on a coffee filter all the things you would like to throw away from the past year. Then, float the filters in a bucket or small pool of water and watch your writing wash away. Use this opportunity to talk with your child about why we are serious on Yom Kippur: because we are thinking about things we did that weren’t so great, but we are happy because at the end of Yom Kippur, we get to start again.”


  • When have you been sorry?

  • How do you try and make amends with someone when you have made a mistake?

UU of The Week: Carrie Catt