Welcome to our Classroom!

We're so glad you're here!

Each month new activities will be loaded based on this month's themes. Activities are meant to be used in your home however it works best for you and your family. For each lesson you'll find a mix of videos and activities.

If supplies are needed, I'll let you know at the top of the activity. If you need help getting supplies, please email Lissa at reassist@slcuu.org. She can help you find anything you might need!

Questions? Please email Amanda Esko at dre@slcuu.org

Happy faith journey!

RE Newsletter

Check out this week's newsletter! This will be the best way to get updated information for RE!

RE-Imagining Chapel

On the first Sunday of the month at 10 am(with the exception of September!) we will meet as an RE community for RE-Imagining Chapel over Zoom. If prompted, the password is chalice.

Zoom Gatherings

On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month(with the exception of September), we will meet over Zoom for community connection. We'll light a chalice, share our joys and concerns, and participate in a fun activity. If prompted, the password is chalice.
