
January's Theme: Imagination

Lesson A: Imagine A New You

Wonder Box


The Wonderful Things You Will Be

By Emily Winfield



  • How have you already changed in your life?

  • What can you imagine yourself to be?

Activity: Paper Fortune Tellers

For full directions and pictures, visit https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Make-Paper-Fortune-Tellers/

Step 1: Take a standard 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper. This will be what you use to make your paper fortune teller.

Step 2: The goal is to get a perfect 8.5 x 8.5 inch square. First, lay the paper down vertically on a flat surface in front of you.

Step 3: Fold one of the top corners until the top edge of the paper is exactly in line with the side opposite of the corner that you started at. The result should look like a right trapezoid.

Step 4: The rectangle at the bottom of the piece of paper needs to be discarded. There are two ways to get rid of this.

Option 1: Fold along where the folded down portion of paper and the rectangle meet. Do this repeatedly and crease the fold each time. After 3 or 4 folds, the paper should tear along the fold line.

Option 2: Cut a straight line parallel with the bottom of the page along the line where the folded portion of paper and the small rectangle meet.

The result should be a perfect square folded in half.

Step 5: Now that you have the square, observe the fold line going from corner to opposite corner. Create another fold line going from the corners that do not currently have the fold line; corner to opposite corner. Fold in the same direction as the other fold is in. (So if the paper folds towards you along the diagonal, then the new fold should also fold towards you.) The result should be a square with two intersecting folds along the diagonals. The folds should make four identical triangles within the square, with the tops all meeting in the middle.

Step 6: Now turn the paper over so that the two diagonal folds will be folding the paper away from you. Take the four corners and fold them inwards towards the center. Use the intersection of the folds as a reference for where the four corners should meet. The result should look like a smaller square.

Step 7: Repeat Step 6: Turn the paper over and fold the new corners inwards towards the middle making an even smaller square. The part you see now is the inside of the paper fortune teller.

Step 8: Now fold and unfold the square in half both ways. The outside part of the paper fortune teller should be on the outer part of the fold. This will ensure that the fortune teller will work.

Step 9: Open up the bottom of the paper fortune teller and push out the flaps as shown in the image. This is where you will put your fingers.

Step 10: Congratulations! You've made your paper fortune teller. You can decorate it however you wish. Just pull the tabs back and forth. Have fun!!!

UU Of The Week: Angus MacLean

Lesson B: Imagine a World Without Covid

Wonder Box



By Yuyi Morales



  • Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning and COVID has disappeared, draw a picture of what you would do first.

  • Imagine a day when you don’t need a mask. Find a mask, then demonstrate what you would do with it. What are we going to do with all these masks! Will you stomp on it? Make a hammock, parachute, buffs could become doll clothes or blankets. Have some fun doing one of those things with a mask right now!

Activity: Family Bucket List

As a family, start to brainstorm all of the big and little things you want to do once the pandemic is over. Using a poster, cut our pictures or draw all of the things you want to do! Post it somewhere in your home as a reminder of the good things that will happen in the future!

UU Of The Week: T. Berry Brazelton

Lesson C: Imagine A Better World

Wonder Box


I Am Martin Luther King Jr.

by Bread Meltzer



  • What do you imagine a more just world to look like?

  • What can we learn from the story of Martin Luther King Jr's life?

Activity: Virtual Field Trip

While we're still not able to travel, let's take a virtual field trip to The National Civil Right Museum in Memphis, Tennessee!

UU Of The Week: Thomas E Wise

Lesson D: Think Outside the Box

Wonder Box



By Paul Fleischman



  • When was a time when you came up with a solution to a problem that wasn’t obvious?

  • Did you find it easy once you remembered to “think outside the box?”

Activity: Inventor Challenge

Give each member of your family the same materials, maybe a cardboard box, 4 popsicle sticks, a rubberband- whatever you have lying around or can get easily. Each family member is to use the same materials and make a new invention in 30 minutes. At the end of the time, compare inventions. Did everyone create the same thing? Why not?

UU Of The Week: Dr Nancy Grace Roman

Lesson E: Visit Other Worlds!

Wonder Box


I'm A Frog

by Mo Willems



  • What is your favorite story featuring an imaginative escape into fantasy?

  • How does an escape into fantasy help when you are down?

Activity: Collaborative Storytelling

Gather your family in a circle. Today you'll be telling a story, but each person gets's to create a part of it! One person starts with, "Once upon a time there was a ______". Then the next person continues, adding onto the story. This is especially fun if you have a way to record the story, wither with a voice memo or video. Over the years, you can revisit the story, adding or changing things as your family grows and changes!

UU Of The Week: J.B. Goodenough