The following is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the RBHS Unit SOP


Section 3 - Cadet Enrollment


Conditions for Enrollment


The following are required conditions to join the JROTC program:

    • Be enrolled in a class at the school
    • Be at least fourteen (14) years of age
    • Be of good moral character
    • Be medically fit to undergo JROTC training both physically and mentally



Qualified students will be enrolled as cadets in Leadership Education and Training (LET) as follows:

    • Year One (1) - JROTC LET 1 (J.R.O.T.C. I/II)
    • Year Two (2) - JROTC LET 2 (J.R.O.T.C. III/IV)
    • Year Three (3) - JROTC LET 3 (J.R.O.T.C. V/VI)
    • Year Four (4) - JROTC LET 4 (J.R.O.T.C. VII/VIII)

Qualified tenth (10th), eleventh (11th), or twelfth (12th) grade students who have not previously enrolled in JROTC are allowed to enroll LET 1 cadets.

Enrollment at the beginning of the first semester is done with the understanding that two (2) semesters will be completed. Mid-year enrollments must be approved by the SAI.

A requirement for enrollment in higher LET courses is for a student to have completed all lower LET courses. Students enrolling in LET 4 courses must have completed three years of JROTC training and have reached a platoon-level or higher leadership position or maintain an active role in a specialized team. As such, only students recommended by the SAI and approved by the RBHS principle are permitted to enroll in LET 4 training.

All cadets must memorize and recite the Army JROTC Cadet Creed along with memorizing the JROTC and US Army ranking structure by the end of their LET 1 year. All cadets will be expected to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the Cadet Creed during the formation at the beginning of each class.

Only three years of JROTC are required to receive all credits associated with the program.