
Recent Events

Military Ball

Cadets departed on the Southern Belle for the annual Military Ball. While on the boat they enjoyed a formal meal, followed by dancing and relaxation on the Tennessee River.

Annual Drill Meet @ Red Bank

Cadets from every specialty team planned and hosted the most recent annual Drill Meet at Red Bank High School on {DATE}. During this event, a dozen teams from near and far came together to compete in multiple drill events including Color Guard, Exhibition, among others.

Robotics Competition @ Sale Creek

The Lion Battalion's Robotics Team attended their first competition, in which they received second place. The team gained valuable information and experience required to continue developing their robots.

Annual Christmas Parade

Cadets marched in the annual Red Bank Christmas Parade representing the Lion Battalion. The national and state colors led the platoon as they marched.

Staff Ride @ Chickamauga Battlefield

Cadets were invited by the National Park Service to tour the Chickamauga Battlefield and learn about the Civil War. The valuable knowledge gained was later presented at the Red Bank High School ROAR Night.

Event Calendar