Specialty Teams

Raider Team

The Raider Team is a stries team-based tests of strength, fitness, endurance, and discipline through a series of outdoor challenges. Events include a One Rope Bridge, Cross Country Rescue, and obstacle courses. The team is built of the most disciplined and dedicated cadets in the Battalion who wish to distinguish themselves from the rest.

Drill Team

The Drill Team is a group of cadets who train their leadership, discipline, and teamwork to perform military Drill in competition with opposing teams. These cadets display their skill and discipline through individual and team Exhibition and IDR. The Drill Team is often more publicized due to their focus on appearance and encourage students to join the JROTC program.

Color Guard

The Color Guard is for cadets who wish to do the most honorable ceremony to their country, state, and school available to them. The Color Guard consists of the United States Flag, the Tennessee State Flag, and two rifle bearers on either side.

Robotics Team

The Robotics team is a group of cadets who wish to their engineering capabilities and use their knowledge and ingenuity to solve engineering problems and to build and program robots to compete in competitions. The Lion Battalion is partnered with VEX Robotics to make our Robotics team possible.

Academics Team

The academic team is a group of cadets with intellectual capabilities that wish to test their knowledge and mental aptitude by participating in rigorous trivia, earning them awards and medals. These cadets represent the Lion Battalion and Red Bank High School in competitions locally and nationally.

Oratorical Team

The Oratorical team is for cadets who wish to test their capabilities in public speaking. Each member of the team performs a speech to various groups, large and small, often to compete for cash prizes and bring honor to themselves and their battalion.

Rifle Team

The Rifle team is for cadets who wish to test their patience, steadiness, and willpower to steady their rifle and shoot for victory. Rifle team trains to shoot straight no matter the distractions.

Honor Guard

The Honor Guard is a group of dedicated cadet volunteers who create a Saber Arch to show respect to those who pass through it at important events. These cadets train for weeks in advance to show their discipline, skill, and aptitude in the JROTC program.