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Past Workshops

Come join recover me for an exclusive breath work workshop lead by Alexa Shackleford! This virtual event is such an important tool in grounding in both your physical and emotional self. 

Tickets are $20! 

Please venmo your $20 to Recover Me: @recoverme and you will recieve your zoom link and further information! 

Alexa Shackelford is a Certified Breathwork Facilitator based in Atlanta, Georgia. Conscious Circular Breathwork has given her many years of comfort and healing in its excavation of her trauma, negative subconscious belief patterns and childhood wounding. Alexa is passionate about providing space for others to find clarity, to be in their own energy and out of the energetic field of others. Breathwork nourishes your connection with self so you can have deeper, healthier relationships from a place of presence and authenticity. Alexa’s intention is to pay it forward to provide a sacred container of conscious breath, evocative music and vibrational sound to heal unresolved emotional trauma and to bring you back to YOU.

About Breathwork:

Breathwork is a healing therapy that uses conscious circular breathing to unlock an altered state of consciousness. The accelerated breath clears emotional blocks and stagnant energy from the mind and body.

Conscious circular breathwork increases the circulation of oxygen through the body, which activates different areas of the brain to create new neural pathways for a deeper awareness and stronger self of sense, while releasing unresolved emotions and trauma.

Also, here are my socials for social media advertising @alexashackelford for Instagram and Alexa Shackelford for FB and website: