Sept HW

It takes time to update this site. I try to post homework details by 3:30 at the latest each day. Updating the Daily Class Notes and new Handouts may not be ready until 4.

Homeroom notes:

Get me green nomination form if you'd like to help out as a homeroom rep for student council.

ITS OCTOBER!!! Go to the OCT HW page.

ELA HW 9/30/19 (MON)

EASY HW tonight!

1. Prepare for Study Strategies test on Thursday by finishing drawing something to help you remember each of the 10 Train Brain strategies on the yellow handout and think of an action and sound to go with each. (Do it the way we did in class. )

2. If you did not do the homework over the weekend, catch up! COMPLETE writing as many of the definitions on the Study Guide from memory as you can and then CHECK which ones you have correct and which you need to work on.

ALL handouts you need to look up study guide answers are attached below AND in the HANDOUTS Section of the One-Note Notebook.

3.Complete the Reading Log back page if you did not do it for today as assigned.

HANDOUTS: Pink Group discussion summary--pick one up off front table tomorrow if you were absent today. It is NOT needed for HW tonight.

study guide 2019.docx
2019 genre types (1).pptx
strategies handout 2019.docx
Exposition poster.docx

Daily Notes 9/30/20 (MON)

1. Reviewed homework directions -- students wrote into agenda.

2. Students used 3 study strategies, VISUALIZE, SOUND, ACTION to help memorize the list of the 10 Train Brain strategies.

  • Students connected to this morning's Daily 2 when the weather forecaster repeated the word RAIN in a low depressed voice 3 times. We noted that the SOUND of the REPEATED word made our brains notice and remember.

I gave the example of how I might remember the study strategy of PERSONALLY CONNECTing to a term by

  • making a VISUAL doodle of a magnet snapping to something
  • SAYING the word CONNECT -emphasizing the clicking sound at the end(using Sound)
  • as I interlock my fingers (using ACTION)
  • Students in some classes noted that Mrs. Cordone and Ms. Sabonis use the strategy of ACTION while learning new vocabulary and it works for them. We are using this for this simple list of strategies to practice HOW to apply the strategy to things that will be more complex and harder to remember in the future.
  • Students will do what we did in class (think of a visual, sound and action) for the part of the list they did not finish in class. THIS uses the CHUNKING strategy.

3. I reviewed WHERE to find handouts and the need to fill in FULL study guide from memory to identify what to work on before THURSDAY's quiz.


  • We reviewed green handout that stays in class that lists some basic reminders about how to listen and speak productively for CIVIL DISCUSSION. Students identified one area they will try to improve on and help others with. (My issue to work on would be to let others speak!) We ALL have a weakness and a strength in group work.
  • Students then began sharing opinions, summarizing what they have read, and digging into answers and examples used on the reading log.
  • AFTER DISCUSSING EACH QUESTION, STUDENTS NEED TO USE A PEN TO ADD to their Reading Log answers--a detail, example, or observation learned from the discussion that they had not included in their Log for homework.
  • We will finish the Week 1 discussion tomorrow and begin work on a short story. You do NOT NEED TO DO MORE READING IN THE NOVEL. YOU WILL HAVE NEW LITERARY TERMS to find and sticky-note for WEEK 2 reading logs later this week.

ELA HW 9/27/19 (Fri)

1.Complete Week 1 Reading log - all pages!

  • Follow ALL directions and answer ALL parts of each question. In class we underlined and highlighted directions that asked for
    • Use of details to support answers
    • The need for at least ONE EXACT QUOTATION for question 4 on Character traits
    • Fill in FINAL page with your own questions to prompt group discussion on Monday and include a page number to get discussion started.
    • AND I reminded you to capitalize character names and places that are proper nouns (Germany, Ryan...)
  • If you did not follow directions to label novel pages with passages to help respond to the Reading Log Questions on VOC, SETTING details, CHARACTER traits, and INCITING CONFLICT--complete that work BEFORE doing the reading log.

2. If time, begin studying for Train Your Brain study strategies test:

    • take 5 minutes to try to fill in ALL of the definitions you can remember on the Study Guide AND
    • try to list the 10 Train Your Brain Strategies from memory on paper.
    • THEN check against the actual answers to see what you ALREADY know and what you will need to study Monday and Tuesday.
    • The quiz will be Wednesday OR possibly Thursday.
    • Materials to study with are attached below.

HANDOUT: Study Guide for Train Your Brain/genre, exposition quiz

study guide 2019.docx
2019 genre types (1).pptx
strategies handout 2019.docx
Exposition poster.docx

Daily Notes 9/27/20 (FRIDAY)

1. Reviewed homework directions to pay close attention to -- students wrote into agenda.

2. Students had 15-20 minutes to work on Reading Logs Homework in class. I circulated to see if sticky-note homework from hight before was done correctly so it guides completing the Reading Log due Monday.

3. I handed out and explained Study Guide for test next Wed or Thursday on 10 Train Your Brain Study Strategies and how to use them to learn the literary terms related to genre and exposition, and the 2 mechanics issues related to spelling "beginning" and how to write titles correctly.

ELA HW 9/26/19 (Thurs)

1.Complete reading and sticky-noting the pages your novel group assigned itself. REREAD the directions for WHAT to sticky Note at the top of p2 of the Reading log. (A copy is inserted after Tuesday's HW entry since that was the day I handed it out.) I expect a minimum of 8 and maximum of 12 sticky notes on the four focus areas (Voc, Setting details, Character Traits, Inciting conflict).

  1. Wk 1 Reading Log due MONDAY

HANDOUT: List of TRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO RETAIN study strategies. WED OCT 2: QUIZ/Test on remembering the list of strategies and examples of how you have USED them to learn Exposition and Genre terms. Full study guide to be distributed tomorrow.

2016 train Brain handout.docx

Daily Notes 9/26/20 (THURS)

1. Reviewed homework for tonight and students wrote into agenda. Explained what I expect for the novel discussion questions students will write on the LAST page of the Week 1 Reading Log--due Monday.

2. EXPOSITION review: Continued sharing skits to learn parts of Exposition through action and discussion.

3. TECH check in: In most classes, students signed into computers to help me diagnose any problems that may have come up with saving hw in One-Note. A student figured out that if the saved work doesn't show right away, press refresh. We have fewer issues each day.

4. "MANY STONES" REPORTING OUT: SOME classes had small group discussions of some of their answers to the "Many Stones" and "Robben Island" readings and hw.

The yellow class had an in-depth full class discussion of how to put yourself in the shoes of characters to fully understand a story and apply it to your life and times. Other classes will have this tomorrow.

5. How to study for TRAIN YOUR BRAIN Study strategies quiz. MOST classes began to mark up the Train Your Brain study strategies Handout I gave out today to note WHICH strategies we used to learn the 3 parts of the Exposition Definition. We also color-coded the list of 10 strategies to find connections between items on the list--for example we highlighted Action, use visuals, and sound as similar since they all relate to using several of the 5 senses to learn.

Some students applied the VISUAL strategy by drawing little pictures next to each strategy. For example, a magnet for CONNECT, Eyeball for FOCUS...

ELA HW 9/25/19 (Wed)

1. Complete the "Many Stones" questions and reflections in the One-Note Class Notebook on the page you started last night. Remember to write clear and complete sentence answers for the reflections since I will use the responses to identify writing problems to address.

Yellow class—Below is a link to a 1:56 video on how to "fix" the page if your questions are overlapping the story. Thanks to the student who pointed this out for yellow class.

fix overlapping text

  1. BEGIN reading your class novel. Sticky focus topics as directed in class. The sticky note directions are written at the top of p.2 of your Week 1 Reading Log. Reading and sticky notes are DUE Friday. Wk 1 Reading Log packet USING the passages you sticky-noted is due MONDAY.
  2. Complete YOUR example of EXPOSITION at the bottom of p 1 of the Wk 1 reading log if you did not finish in class. A copy of the Reading log is inserted below yesterday's homework.


Daily Notes 9/25/20 (WED)

1. Reviewed homework for tonight and students wrote into agenda.

2. We went through several of the TRAIN YOUR BRAIN strategies to learn our first NEW literary term EXPOSITION.

  • We used the strategies of FOCUS and TAKE ACTION by writing the full definition (all 3 parts) of EXPOSITION=SETTING (Time and Place) + CHARACTERS (and thier traits) + INCITING CONFLICT (the first problem) . It is the INTRODUCTION of a story.
  • We used the strategies of CONNECT and FIND PATTERNS by applying the definition to the EXPOSITION paragraph that opens the Star Wars movie. All info is on page 1 of the Reading Log (a copy of the Wk 1 Reading Log is now also in the NOVEL UNIT section of your One-Note Notebooks).
  • We used the strategy of creating a VISUAL by color -coding where the Star Wars writers provided SETTING (Time and Place) + CHARACTERS (and thier traits) + INCITING CONFLICT (the first problem) in the Exposition paragraph.
  • Students then applied the definition by MAKING A PERSONAL CONNECTION and FINDING PATTERNS by writing an example of a story, movie, etc. that THEY can easily remember to understand the 3 parts of EXPOSITION.
  • Students then made MORE CONNECTIONS and PATTERNS by working in groups with toys to create an EXPOSITION for a story by giving the toys a SETTING, CHARACTERS with traits, and an INCITING CONFLICT and sharing with the class. Some groups still need to share tomorrow.
  • The class noted when students left out any of the 3 parts of EXPOSITION and when they went BEYOND EXPOSITION to build more tension or resolve problems. THROUGH this students learned the EXPOSITION NEEDS to include ONLY the first SPARK of conflict at the BEGINNING of a story.

ELA HW 9/24/19 (TUES)

1. Complete steps 1,2,and 3 in the directions for the "Many Stones" assignment in the SHORT STORIES section of your One-Note Notebook. You can ALSO do the questions if you want to get ahead for tomorrow.

I cannot insert the video of how to do the assignment here for some reason, but you can copy the link below into a browser and then DOWNLOAD and open the video if it won't open automatically.

2. You do NOT have to do any reading in your group novel yet, but you will need to finish the number of pages your group assigned itself for Week 1 and complete the sticky-noting directions on Page 2 of the reading log by Friday. All questions in the Week 1 Reading Log you received today is DUE on Monday. Pace yourself to get it all done on time.


Reading Log for Week 1 is below.

Week 1 log Exposition 2019.docx

Daily Notes 9/24/20 (TUES)

1. Students worked in their novel groups to divide the novels into seven sections to decide how much is due each week. I will give the deadline for getting reading done for each section as we move through the unit. students recorded the pages per section on a white handout that will be kept in the Lit Notes Section of your binder. Students put a smaller version of the pages due on a yellow sticky and put it in the novel.

2. We had a VERY brief review of how the Reading Log will work each week.

First page is always a study guide to any term to learn for the week.

Then there are 3 questions on the next 2 pages that connect to the terms on the first page.

Last page is to develop your OWN questions for small group discussion after the reading is done.

3. VERY BRIEF review of EXPOSITION--the term for THIS week. EXPOSITION is the INTRODUCTION of SETTING (time and place); CHARACTERS (and their traits); and INCITING CONFLICT (the first problem. )

4. Review of HOW to do homework on "Many Stones" tonight. Read closely and mark-up to note SETTING and CHARACTER details.

ELA HW 9/23/20 (MON)

Complete the Virtual Tour of Robben Island and all questions in the Class Notebook. Email me if you have read and tried EVERYTHING below and are still having trouble. At the BOTTOM of this box is a link to a video version of all of the tips that I have written below.

Details: Getting to the One-Note Class Notebook

1. Open your ELA TEAMS class using CHROME (fewer problems reported)


3. Click on arrow next to Welcome

4. Find your name and click

5. Scroll to SHORT STORIES

6. Click on Virtual Tour and follow link to tour. Listen to slides that have audio—they do not ALL have sound.

7. Go back to One Note Notebook page where you found the link to the tour and scroll down to see the 4 pictures you take notes on. Enter the notes below the sentence that tells you to take notes.

8. Complete the 4 short answer reflection questions.

Trouble shooting: Type directly on the One-Note class Notebook page.

If you can’t type and you are in Edge—switch to CHROME

If you still can’t type, you may be in the CONTENT LIBRARY instead of in YOUR notebook. Be sure you followed step 4 above.

If you STILL can’t type, be sure you are not trying to type NEXT to a picture. Type below text.

If it is VERY slow and lags when you type, open the APP or desktop version and work in that.

Sometimes the screen freezes and that is why you can’t type—if so try closing and reopening.

Be sure your screen saves SAVED at the top before exiting or the work will not save!

Sep 23, 2019 3:25 PM.webm

Above is a video on how to access and trouble-shoot technical questions about tonight's One-Note Class Notebook assignment.

Daily Notes 9/23/20 (MON)

1. Classes were put into new groups for novel study unit. I used student responses to the book choice survey to put groups together.

2. Students received their group's novel and put their names on sticky-notes placed at the front and in the middle of the novel so novels can be returned if lost. WE HAVE NO extra copies of many of the books, so BE SURE your name is in the novel and DON'T leave the book at home or behind in classes. No need to take the book home tonight--there is NO assigned reading yet. Bring the novel to class EVERY DAY.

Classes had quick review of background info on Nelson Mandela and the Robben Island prison. Students logged on to the the One-Note Class notebook page to get the the Virtual Robben Island Tour. I reviewed how to answer the questions ON the Class Notebook page. Answers done in the notebook automatically save and do NOT need to be downloaded, uploaded or shared. Just be VERY SURE your screen says SAVED at the top before exiting.


ELA HW 9/20/20 (FRI)

  1. Yellow, Green and Blue classes only:

If you did not finish steps 1 and 2 on the "We Need Stories" handout, finish for homework. You do NOT have to write the paragraph for #3 yet. Click on and download the file below if you left yours at school. A file with the handout is on Homework Hub.

2. If you did NOT finish entering answers on the Book Choice Form you MUST do so by midnight Friday or I will have to just assign you a book! Email me if you have technical difficulties. I will NOT be available Sunday.

Daily Notes 9/20/20 (FRI)

1. Orange class had quick pop-quiz that will not count to see what they remembered from their Homework. I will give pop-quizzes that DO count in the future as a way to see if students are focusing and learning during homework or just rushing through. A pop-quiz also helps review and lets students know what they will need to study more for a real quiz or test. Other classes had this yesterday.

2. We reviewed NEED for STORIES that goes back to earliest man--related to Social Studies in which students are learning about cave drawings of stories done by our earliest ancestors. We reviewed the stories come from EVERYDAY details we can all connect to. We all have met characters in our lives that could be IN stories.

3. Students shared stories and characters in small group discussions and then we shared a few and found out the one student's story often sparked others to enjoy.

4. Students completed steps 1 and 2 on the "We Need Stories" story starter handout.

5. We began review of background to what will be our FIRST short story about a tour of Robben Island prison. Prisoners there said one of the things they needed most was STORIES from home. We will learn about Nelson Mandela's time in prison and how HIS story inspired others.

HANDOUTS: Story Starter "We Need Stories" page. Available through Homework Hub page.

ELA HW 9/19/20 (THURS)

  1. Complete the Book Choice Survey form in TEAMS if you did not finish in class. Unfortunately, the form does not save until you submit it so you may have to restart it if you did not finish in class. to find it-go to TEAMS Click on English, click on Book Choice survey ASSIGNMENT, click on link to form and take the survey.

2. No NEW homework.

3. Complete LAST NIGHT's genre work if you did not do it on time or were out yesterday. See yesterday's HW below for details.

If you have technical problems tonight, have a note from an adult. I am traveling tonight so I cannot help. ANY OTHER NIGHT please DO email and I will try to help.

Daily Notes 9/19/20 (THURS)

1. Students had quick pop-quiz that will not count to see what they remembered from their Homework. I will give pop-quizzes that DO count in the future as a way to see if students are focusing and learning during homework or just rushing through. A pop-quiz also helps review and lets students know what they will need to study more for a real quiz or test.

2. Students used their completed book option notes packets to complete a survey in Teams that will help me form book groups. See yesterday's class notes if you needed to finish taking notes on the book items before completing the Book Choice Survey form.

3. Students who had trouble printing last night's homework were allowed to print it in class. Keep the printout in the Lit Notes Section of the ELA binder.

Students who did not TURN IN the Genre review homework digitally were shown how to close the finished worksheet and click the TURN IN button on the Teams Assignment page.

If done with all of the above, some students had time to begin a short writing assignment that we will continue in class tomorrow.

NO Handouts needed tonight.

ELA HW 9/18/20 (WED)

  1. Complete the book options packet by going on my classroom website and looking at the Daily Class Notes for Tuesday and clicking on the image. Directions for opening it were shown in class and are written at the end of the Daily Class Notes.
  2. Genre reivew: Open the ASSIGNMENT tab in your ELA class in TEAMS (as shown in class). 1. Read the PowerPoint on genre. 2. Then open the Genre questions file and answer them on the page in Teams. 3. PRINT if you can and keep your answers in your ELA binder in the Lit Notes section. 4. Close the file and then click on Turn in when you're done to submit it to me.

DO NOT JUST COPY and paste! Type the answers so you have to think about them a little!

Daily Notes 9/18/20 (WED)

1. I showed using projector how to complete the Book Options packet using my website if not done in class or during 20 minutes. I reminded students and wrote on board to be SURE the you have STARRED 3-4 Overall favorite books and 1 favorite in each genre.

2. I showed on projector how to open TEAMS assignment on genre and complete the work on line.

2. Students took more notes on book summaries to help choose their novel for the novel unit we start next week.

3. Students who finished the book options packet started the TEAMS assignment on genre. Many completed the work in class.

All Book Excerpts pdf (1).pdf

ELA HW 9/17/20 (Tues)

No Homework! I am cancelling the work I assigned for the green class.

Daily Notes 9/17/20 (TUES)

1. Students finished SRI.

2. Students took more notes on book summaries to help choose their novel for the novel unit we start next week.

TO the right is a link to a PDF of the book summaries if you want to do a few tonight to be sure you finish tomorrow. Hover over the image and click on the arrow (pop-out) icon to see the pages full screen. Scroll through the 20 images. You will likely have to enlarge the view to read these.

All Book Excerpts pdf (1).pdf

ELA HW 9/16/20 (MON)

No Homework! UNLESS you did not turn in project last Friday or did not set up binder today. Info on binder setup is in Daily Notes below.

Daily Notes 9/16/20 (MON)

1. Students who still owed summer reading (due to absence or failure to meet last Friday's deadline, were asked to come to my desk to turn in the work for credit.

ANYONE who was not absent last week who has not yet turned in the summer reading project MUST do so tomorrow, Tuesday, to get ANY CREDIT. I am after school tomorrow if you need help to finish.

2. Students worked on SRI reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. If you STILL have not finished SRI, see me during the 20 minutes tomorrow and/or after school to finish.

3. Binder set-up: Label dividers LIT NOTES; VOCAB: and WRITING and put 10 sheets of paper after each divider. Bring binder and folder every day.

4. Students received an in-class handout to begin taking notes on the 20 book options for our novel unit. We will continue reading summaries and sample pages and taking note in class tomorrow and Wednesday. This is not homework.

ELA HW 9/13/20 (FRI)

1. Students turned in COMPLETE CRASH PROJECTS and planners.

  • A few people had legitimate reasons for not finishing--I discussed with EACH student to clear up any problems so the work can come in on Monday at the latest. If you do a digital project, email it or SHARE it through One-Drive over the weekend and turn in the Planner Monday if you did not turn it in today.
  • You will not lose credit for late turn-in as long as I have a note from a parent/guardian that states that you tried to meet the deadline.
  • MANY students just did not do the work and did not reach out for help by email on Thursday afternoon. These students WILL lose some points, but should get me the work by Monday at the latest.
  • If you are having technical difficulties with a late project, just HAND WRITE one of the options or do the comic strip option.

Daily Notes 9/13/20 (FRI)

1. EACH student came to my desk to turn in a planner and project or to explain why there was difficulty meeting the deadline.

It is early in the year, so let's work on strategies to problem solve so work comes in on time in the future if it did not come in on time today.

2. Students worked on SRI reading diagnostic test in the computer lab. If you were absent, we will be in the lab again next Monday or Tuesday to finish.


ELA HW 9/12/20 (THURS)

1. COMPLETE CRASH PROJECT. NO class time for project in class tomorrow. REREAD the PROJECT OPTION descriptions to be sure you have EVERYTHING you need done!

  • You will turn in ALL planners with your final tomorrow. PRINT at home. Instagram projects can be shared with me. If you absolutely cannot print, you should email or share.
  • TIP for INSTAGRAM project--be sure you are working in the DESKTOP APP, not on-line. If you can't copy and paste or drag in a picture, save the picture and click on "insert".
  • If you have a problem you must email before 5 because I am busy with Open House after that.

If you had your planner done today before class AND worked all class, you should not have more than 30 minutes of work left to finish tonight. Do not turn this into a bigger project than it is!

2. "Four Freedoms" EXTRA CREDIT DUE FRIDAY if you have not already turned it in. (In green box below.)

Daily Notes 9/12/20 (THURS)

1.Students worked all period on their Crash final projects.

    • I helped students store their documents in One-Drive to access from home to finish. I checked in on student questions.


A FEW students turned in finished projects. ALL will be collected tomorrow.

ELA HW 9/11/20 (WED)


FINAL PROJECT will be done in class tomorrow and finished for homework but

  • If you are doing any option EXCEPT the personal response option (5), use the 3 COLUMN PLANNER that asks for details from 3 SCENES that show something about the need to accept differences.
  • Option 5, the personal response option, uses the Option 5 planner. If you need more space than I gave you, feel free to attach paper or download and type an answer.
  • If you forgot yours, it can be DOWNLOADED FROM HANDOUTS downloaded from the HANDOUTS I POSTED BELOW WITH 9/9/20 homework entry. I showed classes how to do this today, but feel free to email if you are having trouble.
  • Bring your Crash book tomorrow if you have one.
  • We will work on the final version of the project in class tomorrow and finish for homework.

2. EXTRA CREDIT DUE FRIDAY. (In green box below.)

Daily Notes 9/11/20 (WED)


    • Spent the most time reviewing the NEED TO READ THIS YELLOW DAILY NOTES CLASS SUMMARY EVERY DAY! It will be a way to review and study a little (for 2-3 minutes) every day instead of leaving everything for a night before a test. This is your ELA textbook.
    • I BOLD and CAPITALIZE the most important points so at LEAST read those.

2. Students had rest of class to WORK ON PLANNERS.

    • If you BORROWED a CRASH book from me, RETURN IT DURING HOMEROOM. I had 15 and now have only 5!

3. Also reviewed that anyone messing around in computer lab will lose privileges to work on a computer in class and will have to stay after to do computer work.


STUDENTS HANDED IN Scavenger Hunts in most classes. We will review in Blue class tomorrow and THEN turn them in.

ELA HW 9/10/20 (TUES)

1. YELLOW and RED classes only: Complete the Scavenger Hunt if not done in class. Other classes will finish tomorrow.

  • Bring your Crash book tomorrow if you have one.
  • This will be an IN-CLASS project for the next 2 days if you use time wisely.

2. You do NOT have to finish project planners at home, but you MAY do work if you want to be ahead tomorrow.

Daily Notes 9/10/20 (TUES)

1. We reviewed student answers on HW expecataiont and HW policy sheet to see what a good answer would include.

    • a good answer was clear and specific.
    • a good answer personally connected to the student so I understand you better.
      • When saying what you will work on or find challenging, you should offer a specific idea of HOW you might try to improve. For example, we noted that students who have trouble focusing might want to listen with a pencil to underline or take notes, or
      • doodle a picture related to what is being discussed.
      • You may ask a neighbor to gently touch you desk if you drift away...

2. A few classes reviewed answers to scavenger hunt so everyone knows where everything is! Students should CORRECT HOMEWORK AS WE REVIEW so your homework can be accurate notes to study from.

3. Some classes started work on PLANNERS to write specifics to use in our projects to show we all read carefully and thought deeply about the novel. I reviewed which planner works for each project option.


STUDENTS HANDED IN LATE HW and reading logs.

four freedoms extra credit.docx

Extra Credit Option! Don't pass it up!Due Friday

ELA HW 9/9/20 (Mon)

1. Select a summer reading project option from the handout we reviewed in class. (Handouts can be reprinted from Handouts section below.)

  • Bring your Crash book tomorrow if you have one.
  • This will be an IN-CLASS project for the next 2 days if you use time wisely.

2. Complete any work OWED--see Friday assignments as you scroll further down this page.

3. Turn in Summer Reading log if you did not do so last FRIDAY when they were due.

Daily Notes 9/9/20 (Mon)

Almost half of house 7A ELA did not turn in the HW assigned Friday

  • We reviewed NON-NEGOTIABLE expectations, since so many folks did not follow the expectations for homework completion over the weekend. We reviewed IRONY--because NOT doing the HW that was about the need to do HW is ironic. Below in HANDOUTS box is a downloadable file with the list of the Non-Negotiable rules and expectations that we all copied into our binders.
  • Sept 9 Agenda
      • Collected green sign-off sheet that was supposed to show that you read my blue Class and Homework Expectations sheet. Keep blue sheet in front of ELA binder.
      • Reviewed the summer Reading project options and had students mark up specific details that MUST be included for each option. See me tomorrow if you missed this review.

handouts 9/9/19

Click on a handout to print, or download and rename and save to OneDrive to do homework on-line.

2019 Summer Reading Project.doc
instagram model.dotx
2019 Option 5 plannner.docx
summer reading grade 7 rubric_revised 4.11.2017.doc
2018 summer reading planner (1).docx

ELA HW 9/6/20 (Fri)

1. Complete ACTIVE READING (2-3 reactions per page) of blue Expectations and HW policy sheet.

2. After reading CAREFULLY, complete the green sign-off sheet. Read every word of each question and paraphrase (use your OWN words) to respond to show complete understanding.

3. Find 4-6 examples of how Spinelli gets readers to think about the theme of the importance of accepting differences in Crash.

  • You can sticky note pages if you have your own copy of the book or write down page numbers to go back to when we do our in-class summer reading projects next week.

Daily Notes 9/6/20 (Fri)

Active reading: All year we will practice ways to keep us awake and focused on understanding as we read.

  • Tap into the fact that the EMOTIONAL part of our brains fire more than the part that processes new academic information. Using happy faces, angry faces, and question marks (or similar symbols you prefer) react to 2-4 things you read on each page of a short handout.
  • The longer a reading is, the less frequently you react. The idea is to focus on a few things that matter--not everything.
  • Inserting question marks (??) in the margins next to things you'd like clarified or discussed in class is ESSENTIAL. I often circulate during homework review and that helps me know what most people need help on.
  • Even if you put a question mark next to something, I still want you you to take a stab at what you think I want. It's fine to be wrong--but it's not fine not to think.

Click below for agenda from class

9- 6- 2019 agenda.pptx

handouts 9/6/19

Click on a handout to print, or download and rename and save to OneDrive to do homework on-line.

2019 Expectations and HW policy.docx
2019 scavenger hunt.docx
sign off for exp-hw policy.docx
four freedoms extra credit.docx

Extra Credit Option! Don't pass it up!

Daily Notes 9/23/20 (MON)

1. Classes were put into new groups for novel study unit. I used student responses to the book choice survey to put groups together.

2. Students received their group's novel and put their names on sticky-notes placed at the front and in the middle of the novel so novels can be returned if lost. WE HAVE NO extra copies of many of the books, so BE SURE your name is in the novel and DON'T leave the book at home or behind in classes. No need to take the book home tonight--there is NO assigned reading yet. Bring the novel to class EVERY DAY.

Classes had quick review of background info on Nelson Mandela and the Robben Island prison. Students logged on to the the One-Note Class notebook page to get the the Virtual Robben Island Tour. I reviewed how to answer the questions ON the Class Notebook page. Answers done in the notebook automatically save and do NOT need to be downloaded, uploaded or shared. Just be VERY SURE your screen says SAVED at the top before exiting.


Daily Notes 9/27/20 (FRIDAY)

1. Reviewed homework directions to pay close attention to -- students wrote into agenda.

2. Students had 15-20 minutes to work on Reading Logs Homework in class. I circulated to see if sticky-note homework from hight before was done correctly so it guides completing the Reading Log due Monday.

3. I handed out and explained Study Guide for test next Wed or Thursday on 10 Train Your Brain Study Strategies and how to use them to learn the literary terms related to genre and exposition, and the 2 mechanics issues related to spelling "beginning" and how to write titles correctly.